dog walks and a revisit to con pane rustic breads
A couple of weeks ago, shortly after getting my shiny new FitBit, I noticed that there was a DogFest Walk … Continue reading dog walks and a revisit to con pane rustic breads
A couple of weeks ago, shortly after getting my shiny new FitBit, I noticed that there was a DogFest Walk … Continue reading dog walks and a revisit to con pane rustic breads
I’ve been thinking about bread lately and I took it upon myself to remake this No Knead Bread recipe last … Continue reading homemade bread for sunday morning
85c Bakery opened up in San Diego back in November 2014 and I remember there being so much hype about … Continue reading 85c bakery
Oroweat® approached me recently with an offer to try out their new organic bread and to host my own little … Continue reading sandwich party with oroweat bread
Back in the day when Mira Mesa still had a Ralph’s instead of the mega H-Mart, I would pop into … Continue reading [recipe] pumpkin chocolate chip pecan bread
After we got sugared up from Frost Me Gourmet Cupcakes, we headed over to Pizzeria Mozza for some lunch. I’ve … Continue reading pizzeria mozza / downtown san diego
This was an unplanned visit. Pat & Oscar’s… err, I’m sorry, O’s American Kitchen, is not really one of my … Continue reading can cheddar make the breadstick better? / o’s american kitchen
The first time I ever went to Elidia’s Bakery was because of Jake and his love of trying new taco … Continue reading elidia’s bakery | panaderia / city heights – san diego, ca
I had the opportunity to review a few new products from the San Diego based Sunsweet Bakery. Now I’m sure … Continue reading [product review] plum amazins baked goods from sunsweet bakery
Sometimes you get lonely, over ripened, sad bananas. But they’re not sad! They’re happy! Because they can be transformed from their sad, mushy state into something wonderful, like banana bread. Even people who don’t like bananas (*ahem*, me) like banana bread so you can’t go wrong here.
Sometimes you’ll start thinking about things you never think about, like Elvis (because someone in your house was recently watching an Elvis movie marathon) and then you’ll make the magical connection of peanut butter and bananas and wonder if it would taste good as a bread.
And then you’ll do it.
And then you’ll discover that maybe Elvis was onto something here.
But you still won’t eat a peanut butter banana sandwich since you still don’t like bananas.
And then you’ll write a blog post about it.
And then you’ll think, “Maybe I should just get on with it then.”
And you will.
Also – pardon the iPhone photos. I was too lazy to go upstairs to get my real camera. *sigh*
This bread has chocolate chips in it. And peanut butter chips! And a good hefty amount of peanut butters. And of course, those mashed bananas.
When warm, the chips are kinda melty… and the peanut butter chips give that extra “oomph” of peanut butter goodness. Most of the sweetness here comes from the natural sugars in the bananas, too, so you don’t have to add a ton of sugar to this recipe. Continue reading “peanut butter chocolate chip banana bread”
On Saturday my laptop decided it would be a fun time to just stop working properly. I protested with it … Continue reading on laptops and yummy breakfast starts. also: myzithra and egg breakfast sandwich
I’m picky about a lot of things. You can ask Jake. He’d roll his eyes and say it was an … Continue reading con pane rustic breads & cafe / liberty station – san diego, ca