Holiday Recap + A Visit To Shake Shack
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! The holidays were crazy for me this year and then I got sick … Continue reading Holiday Recap + A Visit To Shake Shack
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! The holidays were crazy for me this year and then I got sick … Continue reading Holiday Recap + A Visit To Shake Shack
I kind of slacked on doing photos for everything this season. But here’s a little Holiday Baking recap! It isn’t … Continue reading holiday baking recap 2012
This is one of my “maybe” Christmas cookies – I haven’t quite decided if this is going on the final baking list. Every year I always make at least one lemon treat because in the winter our lemon tree seems to always be exploding with lemons – and this year is no different. I decided to experiment ahead of time to see if this new recipe would be a winner for the cookie list this year – but I can’t decide! People seem to always really enjoy what I’ve made in year’s past, so it’s hard to decide what to mix it up with. Maybe you’ll have an opinion?
You don’t need too much for this batch – fresh lemons, pistachios, and the usual suspects: sugar, flour, eggs and butter.
Start by whipping that butter and sugar together in a frenzy. Frenzy, I tell you! Anything else and it won’t turn out as right.
Well… it probably will. But I just like to say the word “frenzy”.
After that, you must add eggs. And flour. And lemon juice. Continue with the frenzy.
Then, pull it off the mixer and fold in your pistachios. I suppose you can to this in the mixer, too, but I rather like doing it by hand.
Just a thing, I guess.
Then you take your lemon zest…
and mix it in with a half a cup of sugar. Mix and smoosh it together to make “lemon sugar”.
The lemon sugar is super sparkly and makes the cookies shiny and glittery!
You’ll take a ball of dough and roll it up and then roll it around in the sugar.
Then place it on your cookie sheet and slightly flatten out the cookies. You can use your fingers or a little spoon, like I did.
The cookies spread out a bit, so I did rows of 2 so they’d have a little extra room for expanding.
If you like a really nice lemony flavor, use extra lemon juice when making the dough. If you’d rather have a “hint” of lemony flavor without feeling like you’ve been punched in the face, use about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice instead. I kind of lean towards “punch me in the face” but not everyone is into that (ie: Jake).
I love how the sugar sticks to the cookies and create a glittery effect. It reminds me of ornaments and frosted things. The pistachios give a nice little crunch to this cookie as well. If you want a crispier cookie, cook these for a tad longer – otherwise, these have a soft inside with a light crisp edge. Get the recipe below!
Continue reading “lemon pistachio cookies – christmas baking begins!”
Tis the season of giving! I noticed a few co-workers were giving out little goodie bags of cookies this year … Continue reading holiday baking: lemon ricotta cookies
I love these cookies! I made these Peanut Butter Reindeer Cookies last year. They’re so cute I had to make … Continue reading holiday baking: peanut butter reindeer cookies
I was too tired yesterday to do proper blogging, so I leave you with a photo of posts to come … Continue reading Baking (mini preview)
The best thing about having a lemon tree in your backyard is the abundance of lemons available to you at … Continue reading Holiday Baking Day Four: Lemon Shortbread
The beauty of the internet is seeing other people’s wonderful ideas and using them on your own to treat your … Continue reading Holiday Baking Day Three: Peanut Butter Reindeer Cookies
I first saw this recipe over at Smitten Kitchen. Chocolate Caramel Crackers. Saltines covered with a basic caramel sauce and … Continue reading Holiday Baking Day Two: Chocolate Caramel Crackers
My holiday baking has begun and the menu’s changed a bit from what I originally intended to do since I … Continue reading Holiday Baking Day One: Brownie Covered Oreos