I feel like I am battling and fighting off a cold right now. Let’s keep this short and sweet!
I originally came to Luong Hai Kyfor one of their kick ass lunch specials (garlic chili pork chop for $6.55) but I didn’t take any photos of that because I didn’t feel like it that day. A few weeks later I took Jake and T here for a little dinner.
[egg rolls – $5.95]
I want to eat egg rolls, like, all of the time. Just put them in my mouth already! BUT – I’m not a huge fan of veggie egg rolls with all of that filler crap, like cabbage and bean sprouts. That doesn’t make me happy, but these egg rolls do!
I’m usually too busy eating these and stuffing them into my face to figure out what’s inside exactly but it is delicious.
My favorite part is wrapping them in mint leaves and lettuce and then dipping them in fish sauce. The mint makes my day with that extra fresh, bright taste added to the hot egg rolls. They’re always served HOT – like, almost too hot to handle, but I love that, too. Don’t serve me lukewarm food! Makes me angry! Grrr.
[chinese sausage, bbq pork, shrimp fried rice – $7.50]
Jake wanted to get this one. Whenever we go get Vietnamese sandwiches he gets the “Asian” sausage one so he wanted to try it out in a fried rice. It was pretty darn tasty and of course I got all of the shrimp (though there wasn’t a lot of shrimp in there to being with, but that’s okay). I deftly avoided those evil peas. Overall this rice had a nice flavor with the mix of meats.
Looking over the menu onlineI can’t figure out exactly what it was I ordered here. I’m pretty sure it’s a BBQ Pork dish on dry egg noodles with broth on the side, but I don’t remember what the “official” name/price of this was. Oops.
I spooned a bit of everything here and poured some of their broth over it and ate it partially like a soup. I liked the yellow egg noodles that are served with this. You also have a choice of the white rice noodles if you want those instead.
Jake and T wasn’t really digging on this – they preferred the version we had down in City Heights at Minh Ky. I tend to agree on that point. The noodles tasted a little overcooked.
The broth tasted a little different on my second visit – it was much better the first time, but I’m not sure why. It was served a little lukewarm (hmmm) and so, who knows what happened there. I know I liked it during lunch time, but this time around it was just “eh”.
They’ve got quite an extenstive menu and lunch specials are definitely worth it. I’d come back and try that pork chop again (and hopefully get photos and not be lazy). This place is part Vietnamese and part Chinese (though it says “Chinese” in the name) mixed together, except they don’t have Pho on the menu and they have multiple kinds of noodles. It’s worth a shot and is reasonably priced, especially if you’re going for lunch.
Okay, time to go to bed and hibernate and hope this sore throat thing has magically vanished by the time morning rolls around. *crosses fingers*
Luong Hai Ky
(in Target shopping center)
10606 Camino Ruiz #2
San Diego, CA 92111
(858) 578-4888
Haha, S hates both shrimp AND peas so that fried rice would be extra evil for him. Hope you recover soon from the cold! Sending virtual hugs your way
Hi Jinxi! I don’t understand how you can’t like shrimp – it’s so good! But peas… yeah, I understand that one. I have become quite good at separating all of the peas out before I eat. My cold is quite mild thanks for the copious amounts of Emergen-C that I have been drinking (thank goodness – so far so good). Thank you!
Awww, you don’t like green peas? They’re a must have ingredient when I make my fried rice. This place looks good (saw their menu)…may try it soon since I have a meeting in Manila Mesa this weekend.
Hi CC – I don’t like green peas but I like pea soup! I don’t like the texture of peas… It grosses me out they’re usually mushy.
I used to hate peas and carrots in my mother’s fried rice. I’ll eat it now since the Mister likes peas in his. Oh and love Chinese sausage in fried rice, it is the way to go!
Hi Carol – My mom never puts peas and carrots in her fried rice (and I don’t either). I’m used to seeing it when we go out but I never had it that way at home. Chinese sausage is becoming one of our favorite things!
Just realized I never put up a post about meals here; we pretty much always order the duck soup, dry. We used to go to the Convoy location all the time and were sad it closed, but walk over to the former movie theater grocer just across the way after every meal (and turn down the hall to the left as you walk in) to grab a bag of garlic peanuts and some sort of Filipino snack to take home. I *still* want to know why there is a container of French’s mustard on every condiment tray on the tables at LHK…
Hi Cathy – I’ll have to try the duck next time. The menu was a bit overwhelming as they offer so many things! I haven’t been into that grocery store in awhile, just been there to go to the Hong Kong BBQ place but haven’t wandered inside in awhile. Garlic peanuts sounds like a thing I need to get.
Oh man the egg rolls look so good right now. I should be over fried foods but something about those rolls look delish right now. Have you made eggrolls at home before? I tried once with my grams and they always busted open in the oil.
I’ve been to this restaurant twice over the years but always felt I left ordering the wrong dishes. Not sure why. Wasn’t sure if they were more Vietnamese or Chinese food centered – so I felt their food wasn’t terribly amazing. Maybe it’s worth a revisit though .
Have a good week !
Hi Faye – I’ve been on some kind of egg roll kick lately – I have been loving having the mint/lettuce with the fish sauce. It tastes so good to me these days! I have made lumpia before – if my mom is doing it with me, she usually kicks me off lumpia rolling duty because she doesn’t like how I do it… haha.
When I came here for lunch before I really liked the garlic salted pork chop thing I got (it’s on the specials menu). I want to the pork chop things again! Maybe that’s a thing for you to try in a future visit?
Mary, you simply must try the herbal duck noodle soup that Cathy suggested. I get it every single time.
Hi Leon – Thanks for the additional tip/suggestion – I’ll have to try it!