it’s the holidays. this is not a real post.

Yeah… what I said in the title!

I was too busy yesterday to get my act together to do a proper post today. I went to the Headquarters last night for a very fun blogger event that involved lots of samples and lots of window shopping. And then I came home to bake up some cookies to give to Jake’s softball team for their final game of the year (until next year after the holidays!). 

These are White Chocolate Peppermint Oreo Cookies!


 They have vanilla pudding in them plus white chocolate chips, crushed Oreo’s and Andes mint candies. I could have used peppermint candies or candy canes but I don’t like hard peppermint candies, hence the Andes instead. More chocolate that way, too. More chocolate is a plus if you ask me. I got the idea for this from a cookie I saw on Pinterest which linked to a site called Two Peas and Their Pod. She used Oreo’s with the red filling which I could not find so hers look a lot more festive than mine… and I couldn’t find White Chocolate pudding mix so I just used French Vanilla. They taste pretty damn good so I’m not complaining about my substitutions. Baking is all about making it your own, right?

I have lots more baking to do, which will include these Snickersnaps, these Chocolate Turtle Cookies, and probably some Snickerdoodles. And maybe some Peanut Butter Reindeer cookies. Or maybe not. We’ll see. Are you baking up anything for the holidays this year?

ONE OTHER THING! If you haven’t already, TODAY is the last day to enter to win a rice cooker and SooFoo samples. Check that out over here, please!  

5 thoughts on “it’s the holidays. this is not a real post.

  1. Oh those cookies look soooo good!!! You’re such a good gf! I’m going to have to try this recipe for the holidays. I would use the dark chocolate peppermint bark from William Sonoma if I could – have you tried their bark – it’s terribly good.

    Can’t wait to read your post on the Headquarters. I haven’t been there yet.

    1. Hi Faye! It was late when I started the cookies, too, so hopefully this earns me like, girlfriend of the year points or something 🙂 I haven’t tried any of the barks from WIlliams Sonoma, which is surprising. Whenever I go there I get sucked into looking at every little thing. Last time I was there I bought fancy salts, but I love good salts so I don’t mind spending the extra money on those. I got a bunch of posts you can spy on my Instagram ( if you want a peek at the Headquarters!

  2. hi mary – i loved andes mints!

    btw, you can find oreos with the red filling at fresh & easy (or shall i say, ‘effin easy’, haha). i think i saw them at target too. at F&E they were $3.99 for a package.

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