[recipe] butterscotch pudding + another nestfresh eggs giveaway!

I received another opportunity to work with NestFresh Eggs in conjunction with National Egg Month this month! National Egg Month is around to help educate folks and raise awareness for choosing healthy eggs and including them into your diet. Did you know that NestFresh eggs are certified cage free – but what the heck does that mean? Certified Cage Free means the little hens get to roam around and feel like free little birds instead of cooped up in close quarter cages. To ensure that every egg carton contains eggs from hens that were cage free and treated humanely, all of NestFresh’s family farms voluntarily undergo annual inspections by third-party auditors. The audits help to ensure that NestFresh is fulfilling the promise to both the cute little hens and their customers to treat hens as humanely as possible. 

NestFresh Brown Cage Free Eggs

Can I also say that I dig getting brown eggs? They taste the same as the white eggs but I always wondered why some are brown and some are white. A little research told me it’s something pretty simple: Hens with white feathers lay white eggs and red-feathered hens lay brown eggs. Isn’t that way simpler than you thought?! There are even hens that lay speckled or blue eggs (does that mean there are blue hens, hmm)! I wish they sold cartons of blue eggs in the store. I would totally buy blue eggs! Easter shortcut, man.

*Update: Reader Michael informed me that the earlobe color is a better indication of what color eggs they will lay, but again, it’s not always accurate! Thank you, Michael!

Butterscotch Pudding Cups

I pondered a bit what to make with my NestFresh eggs this time. I suppose I could have done something healthy but… I totally made butterscotch pudding instead.

Homemade Butterscotch Pudding

Because: pudding.

Butterscotch Pudding with homemade whipped cream

This is a really super quick recipe, too. Getting the stuff together to make this pudding takes no time at all and cooking time is 10 minutes or less. The only killer part is sticking them into the fridge to waiting for them to cool.

But you know what you can do while waiting? You can lick the spoons clean.

Homemade Butterscotch Pudding

I may or may not have done this. (I did.)

I did a small batch recipe and it only required two egg yolks. You can do something healthy with the egg whites if you must.

Butterscotch Pudding with Whipped Cream

Or just make pudding. I won’t tell either way.

Here’s the recipe for the pudding and below that, enter to win some NestFresh eggs of your own!

Butterscotch Pudding
  1. 3/4 cup dark brown sugar
  2. 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  3. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  4. 1 1/2 cups whole milk
  5. 2 NestFresh egg yolks
  6. 1 tablespoon butter
  7. pinch Maldon sea salt (optional)
  1. Combine the dark brown sugar, cornstarch and salt into a medium pot. Stir it up and combine it until it's well blended. Crush any little brown sugar chunks!
  2. In a medium sized bowl, add milk to your separated yolks. Beat to combine. Pour into the pot.
  3. Turn the heat onto medium and gently stir the mixture until it just starts to bubble bubble, toil and trouble. You'll want to keep the stirring up for the whole time, but you don't have to beat the heck out of it, either. Once it starts to bubble, add your tablespoon of butter and continue to stir until the butter melts. Add pinch of Maldon sea salt for a little extra salty kick. Remove from heat and pour into cups or whatever pretty container you have for the pudding (even mugs work).
  4. Chill the pudding for one hour. Top with whipped cream, chocolate shavings, sprinkles or whatever your heart desires!
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman
This Tasty Life http://food.theplainjane.com/
NestFresh eggs have been quite generous and have given me the opportunity for my readers to win one month’s worth of NestFresh eggs. Think of all of the things you could make with those lovely brown eggs! Cakes, cookies, fried rice with egg, more pudding and even savory things like this:

Baked Egg and Bacon Breakfast Sandwich

Those are baked eggs filled with mushrooms, herbs and cheese. Mmm.

Don’t you wanna win some eggs?! Let’s do this old school style: Comment on this post and tell me what you’d make with your NestFresh eggs!  Check my social media pages for additional entries (you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, InstagramPinterest and Google+). I will select one winner one week from today (Friday, February 6th, 2015 ) who will win a month’s worth of eggy goodness. Only available for residents of the USA. Good luck!

This contest has now ended. Congratulations to Lindsay K., an Instagram commenter! Thanks to everyone who entered the contest!

Disclaimer: NestFresh provided me with complimentary eggs for this post. I was not further compensated for this post. All opinions stated here are my own.

20 thoughts on “[recipe] butterscotch pudding + another nestfresh eggs giveaway!

    1. Hi Michael! I figured it wasn’t a tried and true method and that it varied, but that’s what the internet told me. The internet is wrong sometimes 🙂 Earlobes are more the key, that’s interesting to note! I’ll adjust my post. Blue eggs would be so exciting, thank you Michael!

      1. My pleasure. Thanks so much for the wonderful blog–especially the Portland info. We’re headed there next month for spring break!

  1. I would love to use NestFresh eggs to make some deviled eggs, which is one of my favorite appetizers to serve at parties.

  2. I would make a traditional quiche Lorraine. I would also make béarnaise sauce, yum. Thank you for your blog Mary. I so look forward to reading it. I know I say that every time I post but I do really like your blog.

  3. I’m totally in the mood for an egg omelete right about now. Then cookies for desserts. Don’t worry, the eggs would get eaten in many delicious ways!

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