beach bowls, kona pies and girly drinks at islands restaurant

I’ve been to Islands quite a few times. Those skin-on french fries they are are highly addicting. But they’ve got other stuff, too! You know burgers, whatever. And sandwiches! And tacos! And also new things, like paradise mai tai’s and chicken beach bowls.

I’ve sure you’ve been here before, too. Let’s keep this short and sweet, yes? (See emphasis on the sweet at the end…)

[Maker’s Wedge and Paradise’s Mai Tai]

Jake and I both opted to try one of their new drinks – I chose the Maker’s Wedge (right – maker’s mark, ginger liqueur, pine juice, lime and agave nectar) and he went for the Paradise’s Mai Tai (which had Bacardi rum, Myer’s Rum, lime juice with a tropical mix). There was also a drink with Jagermeister… but yeah, no, thanks. Not going there.

Someone other than our server took our orders, so the most amusing part was when our server put the mai tai in front of me and the whiskey drink in from of him.

Heh heh heh.

I teased him about his girlier drink while we waited on food to arrive.

[Islands Beach Bowl with grilled chicken]

Island’s newest Beach Bowl is chock full of veggies with your choice of either grilled chicken or mahi mahi and includes fresh grilled pineapple, red bell peppers, snow peas, water chestnuts, red onion, broccoli & diced scallions in a hoisin sauce and all of that served over brown rice. This bowl screams “I’m good for you and low in calories” (just under 576 calories) and you might just want to opt for this one after viewing the calorie intake of the burgers on their menu.

Also: it tastes good! The veggies are fresh and full of flavor and the grilled chicken was a good element for the bowl. I kind of skimmed past the pineapple pieces since their stringy texture weirds me out (yeah, I have a thing about textures…) but all I all I really enjoyed this new beach bowl. It’s refreshing and light and the brown rice was nicely done.

[Lava Flow / Margarita]

Our server was trying to get up liquored up or something because she asked us if we wanted to try more drinks.

Well, gee, twist our arms. Jake and I let her pick after telling her no gin and no Jagermeister. This is what she came back with!

I think it was a specific kind of margarita… but I don’t remember. What I do remember is that Lava Flow drink!

My god. It just tasted like a strawberry milkshake! It had Cruzan Rum, pineapple juice, strawberry & coconut cream – it was creamy and delicious and so very dangerous. I think Jake and I might have started fighting over who got to have more of it.

[Kona Pie]

I don’t get dessert very often when I come to Islands. I’m not sure why that is. But this Kona Pie (filled with mocha almond fudge ice cream, cookie crust topped with chocolate fudge, and roasted almonds) was just what I was looking for after munching on a few things. It’s creamy, its frozen, it’s lush, it’s covered in chocolate and has a cookie crust! It was divine. I can’t believe I ate as much of it as I did. No, scratch that. I’m not surprised. Jake didn’t eat his fair share since he “doesn’t really like desserts” so I had to assist him. Leave no dessert behind! That’s my new mantra.

Islands Restaurants
Multiple Locations in Southern California

Disclaimer: I was invited to dine at Islands on behalf of their PR company. Our meal was complimentary. I was not compensated for this review and all opinions are forever and always my own.

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