jamba juice / new veggie & fruit drinks and breakfast wraps

I got a coupon from a PR gal at Saeger Media Group inviting me to try Jamba Juice’s latest creation for the masses: Fruit & Veggie Smoothies. They have three flavors to choose from:

  • Apple n’ Greens (a blend of apple-strawberry juice, peaches, mangoes and bananas with the juice from dark leafy green vegetables, carrots and lettuce & a shot of spirulina, a protein packed blue-green algae plant)
  • Orange Carrot Karma (a blend of carrot juice, orange juice, mangoes, bananas and ice)
  • Berry UpBEET (a blend of carrots, beets, broccoli, lettuce, strawberries and blueberries)

Each 16oz smoothie provides a full serving of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit. It’s made with all-natural ingredients, no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives and 0g trans fats and are vegetarian and vegan friendly.

I opted to try the Orange Carrot Karma. It was very bright orange and thick! I watched the girl behind the counter as she slid carrots into the juicer and juiced up some oranges in preparation for my smoothie. How did it taste? Well, it tasted like a lot of other smoothies I’ve had: sweet and thick with a heavy orange flavor. The carrot was really only hinted at. When I drank the smoothie, there was a little stringiness from time to time which I guess is a slight result from the carrot. All in all it was a tasty drink and I wouldn’t hesitate to order it again if I felt I needed a serving of veggies. Though, I could probably just eat a handful of carrots instead… I didn’t try the other 2 drinks, so I don’t know what they are like. A quick Google search though yields some other reviews at Brand Eating and FitSugar if you’re curious!

I was also interested in the nutritional information for the smoothies, and if you are interested they are listed below:

  • Berry UpBeet
    + Nutritional Info (16 oz) – Calories: 230; Fat: 1 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; Sodium: 140 mg; Carbs: 50 g; Dietary Fiber: 8 g; Sugars: 38g; Protein: 3g
  • Apple ‘N Greens
    + Nutritional Info (16 oz) – Calories: 220; Fat: 1 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; Sodium: 115 mg; Carbs: 50g; Dietary Fiber: 6g; Sugars: 40g; Protein: 5g
  • Orange Carrot Karma
    + Nutritional Info (16 oz) – Calories: 180; Fat: .5 g; Cholesterol: 0 mg; Sodium: 90 mg; Carbs: 43 g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugars: 38g; Protein: 3g

Prices may vary by store for the Fruit & Veggie smoothies, but they’ll be priced around $4.15 (sixteen), $4.95 (original) and $5.75 (power).

Since it was breakfast time for me, on a whim I also ordered a breakfast wrap. I was going to get my usual standby – the Blueberry/Blackberry Oatmeal (which I LOVE) – but I thought, “Hey, they have other new breakfast things, I’ll try one of those”. I got “The Rancher” breakfast wrap which had turkey sausage, eggs, cheese and hash browns. I gotta say, it looks like a fancy hot pocket. Kind of tasted like it, too. It definitely has a “this has been frozen and reheated just for YOU” taste to it – not fresh and very processed. It took some willpower to eat half of it and then I ended up throwing the rest away. Sorry, Jamba Juice, but I’ll stick to the smoothies and the oatmeal.




2 thoughts on “jamba juice / new veggie & fruit drinks and breakfast wraps

  1. Boo.. the wrap *looks* kind of promising. I hate the Hot Pocket breakfast, uh, pockets. I don’t know if I don’t like frozen eggs in general, or if the ones in Hot Pockets are more than just frozen, but they’re icky.

    The fruit veggie smoothies sound tasty, though. Your jaw would probably get tired if you ate as many carrots as went into that smoothie.

  2. The wrap sounded very promising, but no, I would never order it again. I just can’t stomach frozen eggs or something. I do agree that they are icky!

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