Restaurant at the Pearl – free birthday food / pt. loma – san diego, ca

This is a good deal right here, kids. Make a note and save this one for your birthday!

On your actual birthday (you must show ID to get the deal), the Restaurant at the Pearl will give you one free entree for your birthday. Heck, you can also go to the Pearl right now with someone and use their “crazy coupon” for buy one get one free (plus 2 beverages). No reason not to visit. Seriously.

I love the look and feel of the Pearl. It’s got a retro-hip thing going on, they show movies out by the pool, and they have the coolest sink ever in the bathroom. Don’t worry, I’ll show you at the end.

[rum & coke / yellowtail]

Jake and I opted to sit out by the pool for dinner and we started off my birthday dinner with some drinks. Jake got a rum & coke (it was happy hour so it was $4) and he gave me his beer that came with his Tuesday special (burger & beer). I choose a Yellowtail. It was tasty.

Jake sat closer to the pool than I did since I wasn’t comfortable with having the pool being that close and being behind me. Every time Jake leaned back in his chair I had this fear he would lean too far back and fall into the pool. It looked like it would happen from my angle, too. I told him to not fall in since I wouldn’t be able to do anything for him (I can’t swim, you see). He managed to not fall in the pool. Hooray!

[Bacon Wrapped Dates – hardwood smoked bacon wrapped dates served with cheese fondue – $8]

I’m posting this in the order it should have been eaten, since I actually got my appetizer after I got my dinner. Hmm. Anyway. Bacon wrapped dates. They sounded so freakin’ good to me and it was birthday so I got them. So glad I did because I loved them! I loved the salty-sweet combination along with the crispiness of the bacon paired with the smooth date on the inside. It came with this little dish of warm cheese fondue. I dipped a few in the cheese and it was good, but I thought it better without. I want to order this all of the time now. I love dates and I love bacon. Why have I never had this before?!

[Short Rib – roasted garlic, butter carrots, potato puree – $18]

For my main entree, I chose to get the Short Rib. So tender and juicy – I used a knife at first to eat this and quickly realized it just wasn’t necessary. Jake likened this to pot roast – which it did remind me of with the carrots and potato puree in the mix below the short ribs. They were very succulent and tasty, though I kinda wanted Jake’s meal instead.

[“The Best Burger in Town” – grilled onion, smoked gouda, con pane bun – $15]

Jake’s burger and fries. I took one bite. It was so juicy, rich and meaty. I kinda wished I had ordered this, too. On Tuesday’s they have a deal where you get a burger and a beer for $15. Good deal, if you don’t mind paying $15 for a burger. It’s really, really good though. I promise.

I thought it was funny that it said “birthday!!” with double exclamation points on the receipt that I just had to share it.

I might have posted a photo of this sink before when I came here last time, but I don’t remember and I’m too lazy to look in my archives. Check out that cool sink! When you turn on the water, it pools up and spreads out so it looks like a tide pool. I love it. Best sink ever!

This is the birthday cake Jake baked for me (!!) for my birthday. He’s never baked before in his life. I was quite impressed and thought it was totally sweet! It’s Devil’s Food cake with Reese’s cups in the batter. It was pretty good!

The Restaurant at the Pearl is a great place to go to celebrate your birthday – or other occasion – with or without the free entree!

Restaurant at the Pearl
1410 Rosecrans St
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 226-6100

Restaurant at the Pearl on Urbanspoon

7 thoughts on “Restaurant at the Pearl – free birthday food / pt. loma – san diego, ca

  1. I love The Pearl – they’re also on if you’re looking for another good “coupon” for them. We got the bacon-wrapped dates the last time we were there. Delish!

    Glad to see you’re enjoying your birthday freebies!

  2. Oh wow, I did not know about this freebie. Nor have I visited the bathroom before- the sink is cool! I’m impressed about Jake’s cake! FH has not ever baked me a cake before!

  3. Hi Leanne – Ohh, I have a gift card that I haven’t used yet – maybe I’ll get it for here! Can you believe I still have more posts to do… this is undertaking, I tell you. But I’m enjoying it 🙂

    Hi Kirbie – I learned about the freebie earlier this year and knew I had to come here!

  4. What an awesome looking birthday cake for the first time.

    I love The Pearl for any occasion, especially birthdays! Sounds like a very happy one with no pool incident involved.

  5. Thanks for sharing this very awesome birthday deal! Too bad my birthday is 9 months away! But I’m printing the crazy coupon right now. That birthday cake that Jake made you looks so good and is made up of my favorite sweets combination: chocolate and peanut butter. He’s definitely a keeper!

  6. oooh so swanky!- i remember you telling me about this deal but unfortunately we did not go because the meal is for dinner only (they aren’t open for lunch) and we had other plans. next year, i am definitely going to go! I would like that short rib!!! and yes, cool sink there! thanks for the crazy coupon link as well. you know me…coupons are the way to go.

  7. Hi Darlene – I was pretty impressed with his first cake! I wonder if I can get him to bake other things now?

    Hi Alyssa – You are welcome! Hope you get to visit soon – this place rocks. Chocolate & PB is my favorite sweet combo, too!

    Hi CC – It’s kind of a bummer they don’t do lunch, too, but I understand. They really do have the coolest sink I have ever seen!

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