it’s hard to spend $25 at a donut shop / VG Donuts | Cardiff, San Diego, CA

I didn’t think it would be hard to spend $25 at VG Donuts, but it was.

I’ve been sitting on this coupon I got for VG Donuts for quite some time. I kept debating on when I should go. Should I go and bring some stuff down when Jake has the kids? Should I have used it when Chris was here visiting us and bring some stuff down then? Time got away from me and one morning I woke up kind of early on a Sunday morning and I thought, “Boy, I sure do feel like having a donut.” I jumped in the car with Maya in tow and we went for a nice morning drive up to VG Donuts.

On the way to VG Donuts

She’s become a much better car companion. As long as she gets to stick her head out of the window. She was irked I left her in the car when I went into VG Donuts though. I left the windows partly rolled down and it was overcast so I wasn’t worried about her being left in the car for a little bit.

This place was packed for early Sunday morning (it was probably around 8AM). There was a bit of a line and plenty of donuts glistening in the counter. They had other stuff, too: bagels, cookies, pastries, bear claws, breads and more. I started eyeing the goods and wondering how I was going to spend $25 here. I got into line and ordered a bunch of stuff only to find that I was still under! I ended up grabbing a blueberry loaf and some potato rolls and was still under a little but just let it go. One can only buy so many donuts in one day. In hindsight, I should have bought more bagels.

Here’s the Blueberry Loaf  ($3.79) and Potato Rolls ($3.29). We ended up using the potato rolls as buns for some homemade slider burgers. They were really excellent for this. The perfect size and it held up really well as a bun (didn’t get soggy, held its shape and was nice and soft). The blueberry loaf we kept around for a couple of days until we started eating it – it had a good amount of blueberries, had a nice sweetness to it (not overly sweet) and was very moist for a loaf bread. Really good!

My dad loved these Sesame Seed Bagels. They were soft, chewy, and light. I liked them a lot, too. I also really liked the blueberry bar (far right) – it’s like an old fashioned donut with blueberries in it and glazed in icing. Each bite had a crispiness to it from the outer donut which I loved. I don’t think I actually got to try the Strawberry Danishes. Huh. At least they’re pretty. The chocolate dipped old fashioned was also pretty good, but not my favorite.

Pretty much the other things I got were cake donuts. I love a good cake donut. The orange frosted one was totally my favorite but I couldn’t tell you what flavor it was exactly. It was eluding me that day, but I loved the flavor of it and the crispness of the donuts.

They still didn’t have my absolute favorite, which is the French cruller, but most donut places don’t carry those since apparently they’re a pain in the ass to make. That just makes them more lovable to me, I guess.

I’m definitely getting more bagels the next time I go. And cake donuts. And a blueberry bar. And maybe I’ll a try cookie and hope I don’t go into a sugar coma.

VG Donuts - Cardiff by the Sea / San Diego, CA

This is my “I’m too lazy to get out of the car and properly take this photo” shot. Hey, it was Sunday after all. I have the right to be extra lazy on a Sunday!

VG Donut & Bakery
106 Aberdeen Dr
Cardiff By the Sea, CA 92007
(760) 753-2400

V G Donuts & Bakery on Urbanspoon

7 thoughts on “it’s hard to spend $25 at a donut shop / VG Donuts | Cardiff, San Diego, CA

  1. I grabbed one of those VG’s deals! Now I know what to try when we finally make it up there! Thanks!

    Dunkin Donuts has good french crullers (also, they HAVE french crullers), so I always request a stop when we visit T’s family out east. Although, I guess they’re in Vegas, too…

    1. The donuts didn’t stay too fresh beyond a day, so it’s best to get other stuff to use up the whole amount of the deal. I was in Boston for college and got very accustomed to a Dunkin Donuts on every other corner. I miss them. The last time I went to Vegas I got a whole dozen to bring home!

  2. haha – loved your last line and the reason for the window shot! i do those all the time! my car windows are so damn dirty!

    the danishes looked delicious! want some!

    1. I intended to take a proper shot but then I was like … ehhhh, no. And there were so many people sitting outside it felt too awkward, hence lazy car shot! 🙂

  3. Ahhhh it’s the loaf and the rolls that add up the $$$, our little Leucadia Donut shot just up the road is usually out of donuts by 10am on a Sunday; when he’s sold out, he just hangs a “closed” sign and heads surfing I guess… next time in CbtS I’ll check out VG, thanks!

  4. Hi Noe – They do have some good donuts and bagels! My friend told me to try Peterson’s in Escondido, too. It’s on my mental list!

    Hi TA – VG makes donuts twice a day so they should have fresh donuts available all day long. And with the line I saw on Sunday morning they must make a ton of donuts per batch!

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