heaven sent desserts / north park | san diego, ca

I had been wanting to go to Heaven Sent Desserts in North Park for quite a long time. Last week my friend, Laura, and I finally had a chance to go out and visit Heaven Sent Desserts. We went for the “Happy Hour” special so we had dessert first before we had our dinner! The Happy Hour specials is for 1 or 2 people. For 1, you get 1 dessert (they had 3 to chose from on our visit, desserts change monthly) and either a coffee or tea for $6. For 2, you get 2 desserts and 2 drinks for $10. It’s a great deal and a nice (and cheaper) way to try out some of their desserts.

Here’s the dessert case that greets you when you first walk in. I’d love to try the Peanut Butter/Jelly cake dessert they have in there… and really, almost everything in the case looks good! Our choices for dessert were the Strawberry Fraise cake, the Red Velvet Cake and the Crème brûlée.

I wasn’t in a coffee mood so I chose one of their many teas for my drink. I got the “Jade Chai”. I like the look of the loose tea in a clear bag like this, you can really see all of the items that go into producing your cup of tea. Since it’s “Jade”, this was really more of a green tea than a Chai. I added a bunch of honey and it was pretty tasty and flavorful. Not quite like the dark spice chai, but a lighter version and not filled with as many spices.

We picked both of the cakes to try. This one in center stage is the Strawberry Fraise cake. It was a light vanilla cake with strawberry filling on each layer and a light, not too sweet, frosting on top. The cake was moist and fruity and is a good summer choice since strawberries are in season. Very good cake!

Our other pick was the Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Red Velvets are usually just a hint of chocolate, not too dense, and this one fit the bill. It wasn’t overly chocolately, was almost kind of light and airy. The cream cheese frosting was a nice complement as well – not too sweet or overpowering. Good flavor, moist, and delicious.

Laura asked me which cake I preferred, and I honestly couldn’t say. I liked them both a lot. In the summertime I’d pick the Strawberry Fraise though just because I like fruit in my desserts in the summer. But the Red Velvet is a force to be reckoned with!

If you’re in North Park and looking for some sweet treats, check out Heaven Sent Desserts and you won’t be disappointed. Happy Hour is from 3PM-6:30PM every day.

Heaven Sent Desserts
3001 University Avenue
(at University and 30th St.)
San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 793-4758

Sunday – Monday: 11am-10pm
Tuesday – Thursday: 11am-11pm
Friday-Saturday : 11am-12am

Heaven Sent Desserts on Urbanspoon

3 thoughts on “heaven sent desserts / north park | san diego, ca

  1. I didn’t know they had a Happy Hour! That’s worth a visit in my book. I’m glad to hear you liked the cakes. I’ve only been once, and I don’t remember what we tried, but I remember not being too impressed. Plus, there always seemed to be a huge line!

  2. I went on a Thursday afternoon and there was no line. The happy hour special isn’t really advertised in the shop, I only saw it on a sign outside and no prices were listed. It’s on the website, just not in the shop!

  3. hi there – this is one of my fave dessert places. everything there is good – there was this pyramid shaped dessert i got before (sorry forgot the name) that was delicious. they also used to make macarons but haven’t done so in a while.

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