this is what we think of the new lay’s potato chip flavors
Jake and I decided to go out and grab the new test flavors for Lay’s Potato Chips contest “Do Us … Continue reading this is what we think of the new lay’s potato chip flavors
Jake and I decided to go out and grab the new test flavors for Lay’s Potato Chips contest “Do Us … Continue reading this is what we think of the new lay’s potato chip flavors
Recently I was invited to attention the US Personal Chef Association’s National Conference (USPCA) that was held in Long Beach, CA … Continue reading uspca conference: the food
On the second to last day of the fair, Jake and I attended the dinner session of the Big Bite … Continue reading big bite bacon fest – 2014 recap
I was not feeling too great on Thursday! I caught a little bit of a summer cold. Colds in the … Continue reading july 4th bbq recap
“Scoring” tickets! See what I did there? I’m sure you did and I’m also sure you’re groaning at me right … Continue reading scoring tickets with scorebig.com
Wishing you a happy, safe, fun filled, and deliciously awesome holiday! Regular foodie posts resume on Monday. Continue reading happy fourth of july!
Warning: this is a non-food post! Just a travel post!
I went to college at Boston University and spent four years living in Boston. In all that time though I never managed to make it to the John F. Kennedy library! We had a little time to kill that morning before we could check into our hotel later (to sleep) and I suggested we go check out the JFK library. The library is located on the UMass Boston campus near the harbor. Continue reading a visit to the jfk library – boston, ma
I love going to grocery stores. I know some people are not really into shopping or grocery shopping but I love it! I love looking at new and different products and searching for new things to cook and bake with. Over in Mission Gorge near the Kaiser hospital on Zion there’s this Farmer’s Market that I have eyed for years but have never gone into. A couple of weeks ago after a quick stop for tortas at Tropical Fruit Paradise, I managed to convince Jake that we should check it out. Not that it takes much to convince Jake to do things. Maybe it’s because he likes me or something. Continue reading farmers outlet / grantville – san diego, ca
I was recently invited to attend the United States Personal Chef Association Conference (USPCA) in Long Beach next month and … Continue reading cooking classes and more at the uspca conference in long beach
More Florida posts!@#!! And this time… to Orlando! You know what that means, don’t you? I went to Harry Potter … Continue reading a little visit to hogsmeade (or as the muggles call it, orlando!)
I got a flyer this week about a Lemon “Aid” charity event put on by UR Charities that’s happening this … Continue reading lemon aid charity event
The Big Bite Bacon Fest is BACK at the San Diego County Fair this year on July 5th! [samples from … Continue reading Big Bite Bacon Competition at the San Diego Fair