sunny side kitchen

A few weekends ago Jake, T and I were up in North County land for another one of Jake’s chiropractor appointments. This little jaunts up north allow us to explore some unknown territory and with the help of the internet I scoped out a place called Sunny Side Kitchen in Escondido.  

Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

Sunny Side Kitchen is a super cute little cafe that’s open for breakfast and lunch. There are a few outdoor tables, too, so you could bring along a furry companion and sit outside.

Menu / Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

The menu at Sunny Side Kitchen is really simple. They do panini’s, sandwiches, soups, muffins, cookies and drinks. That’s about it! 

Soup of the Day at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

Counter at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

You can see right into the kitchen when you place your order and there are about 5 tables inside. It’s small and cozy.

Paintings and Wall Art at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

There are some neat paintings on the wall as well.

Bite Sized Cookies at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

Though we were here for breakfast there was no way I was going to pass up on trying out some cookies, especially if they were tiny bite sized ones!

Cookies at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

Bite Sized Cookies at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

[bite sized cookies / 3 for $1]

I got three of the cinnamon sugar cookies (right), one peanut butter cookie (middle, bottom), one chocolate chip, and one dark chocolate cookie. Their tiny size makes you feel okay about eating cookies. Eating three of these is probably equal to one regular sized cookie. My favorite of the bunch was the crunchy little peanut butter cookie which had whole peanuts mixed in! The cinnamon sugar cookies needed more cinnamon in my opinion and the other two chocolate cookies were good as well. Jake found out they are always switching out the flavors of the bite sized cookies so you’ll probably see different cookies on each visit. 

Cold Brew at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

[cold brew / $2.50]

I was excited to see they had cold brew and that it was a pretty reasonable price at $2.50 a cup. I added cream and a little sugar to mine and it was quite tasty. 

Breakfast Sandwiches at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

[breakfast sandwiches]

We each got our own breakfast sandwich. The breakfast sandwiches are all half-sandwiches.

Half Breakfast Sandwich at Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

[breakfast sandwich with bacon, egg, and cheese / $4.25]

Jake got the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. I assure you the bacon is in there, I just didn’t photograph it well since I was focusing on the crispy top of the sandwich. The sandwiches all had a really lovely crunchy exterior from the panini press. It looked like they sprinkled herbs and additional cheese on top before the pressing. The bread was very flavorful.

With avocado - Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

[breakfast sandwich with avocado, egg, and cheese / $4.25]

T and I both got the breakfast sandwich with avocado, egg, and cheese since we are avocado fiends. 

Sandwich innards - Sunny Side Kitchen - Escondido, CA

There was an excellent amount of avocado in this delicious sandwich! The egg is also NOT runny which I appreciated so so so much. We loved this sandwich. It was perfectly crisp with melty cheese and the perfect egg. Delicious!

Awesome Certificate

On a bulletin board in the cafe someone made this certificate for them and I have to agree – Sunny Side Kitchen is awesome! 

Sunny Side Kitchen
155 S Orange St, Escondido, CA 92025
(760) 294-4450
Hours: Monday – Saturday, 6:30 AM – 2:30 PM

6 thoughts on “sunny side kitchen

  1. Yay, someone else who doesn’t like runny eggs! What a nice little place this is. Great find! We are hardly ever up in this area but if we ever are, this would be a stop. Great pricing on the cookies too. I don’t feel as guilty eating cookies if they’re that small, ha ha.

    1. Dude runny eggs gross me out! Plus it’s so messy. Yuck! I think you would love this place, it’s cute and the sandwiches were excellent. If I ever had my own restaurant I’d want it to be small like this one.

  2. That place looks good, now I want a bacon, egg and cheese. I also agree on runny eggs being gross, it always makes me iffy on ordering huevos rancheros. I guess I need to specify “over hard” on the eggs for that? Anyway, I enjoyed the post, have a happy new year!

    1. I don’t think I’ve ever had huevos rancheros. I make Jake eat the “gross” parts since he likes runny eggs (he’s weird). Happy New Year, Frank!!

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