trader joe’s spring edition finds

Time for more Trader Joe’s finds! I’ll call it the “Spring Edition”. These items are mostly new to me, not necessarily new for spring. But it is spring now, so Spring Edition it is!


CC of Pink Candles at Ridgemont High alerted me to the fact that Danish Kringles were back at Trader Joe’s. I was totally bummed I missed out on them last year (around Christmas they had almond kringles and there were pumpkin kringles in the Fall). I was excited to try the kringle!

The kringle is in the freezer/breakfast section of my Trader Joe’s (in Scripps Ranch).


I left it out on the counter to thaw overnight and we enjoyed part of it for breakfast in the morning.


This is a pecan filled kringle and it is divine! There’s lots of nuts plus a brown sugar/cinnamon filling with a thin layer of glaze on top. This tasted very good with the nice texture of the pecans and the buttery layers of the kringle itself. It’s soft, not crunchy. You can toast it up but it didn’t seem to really get crunchy at all, but it tastes excellent warmed with the glaze starting to melt on top. This is a steal for only $7.99 at Trader Joe’s. You can also buy these pecan kringles online but they’ll set you back $19.99 (plus $9.99 shipping!). Better to get it from Trader Joe’s while you still can!


I’m on a Green Juice kick lately. I was making my own kale-veggie-fruit smoothies until I made a really, really awful one and started buying those Naked Juice drinks instead. I saw that Trader Joe’s had a cold pressed green juice so I figured I’d try it out.


I usually get the lower sugar drinks that have less fruit in it, which usually means an earthier-more-veggie flavor. I’m actually used to the flavor now but it still needs a little bit of sweetness to balance it out. I wasn’t too into the combination of this cold pressed juice, it tasted a little more bitter than what I’m used to. At $5 a pop, it’s not really viable for me to it get very often. I’ll just stick with my lower priced Kale Blazer Naked Juice for now ($3.49 at Fresh and Easy and currently on sale for 2 for $6 this week). 


I just kind of stared at this bag for awhile when I saw it in the “new items” section at Trader Joe’s. Rosemary, thyme, maple, AND toffee flavors… all in one product? Are you insane? 

Trader Joe’s does have to be a little insane with some of the ideas they have for products and I love that about them. Sure, I’ll try your crazy sounding sunflower seeds. If you’re not into rosemary at all I would tell you to pass on these as the rosemary flavor was a little stronger than the other flavors. Rosemary doesn’t bug me so I found the flavor to be weirdly complimentary. It was herby and sweet with that hint of savory flavor and just the right amount of salt. I don’t think I loved them, but I didn’t hate them either. I’m still on the fence about them. Worth a shot at $1.99.


I tried the Trader Joe’s Crunchy Green Beans forever ago and I was wondering if these Trader Joe’s Contemplates Inner Peas would be similar.


They use whole green pea pods for this crunchy little snack. They taste like they’re freeze dried though on the package it says they are baked. They’re incredibly light and airy with lots of crunch. There’s a tiny hint of sweetness from the peas and a good balance of salt to make these a really addictive treat. The pea flavor is subtle but still present. Excellent snacking choice for a mere $1.49.


For something on the sweeter side, I’ve been turning to these Dark Chocolate Chunk and Almond Cookies. Most of the time I’d rather make my own cookies but sometimes I need a shortcut to dessert.


I love the insanely high amount of almonds bits in these cookies (it’s like a nutty almond delight party up in here)! The chunks of dark chocolate add a boost of sweetness to these small crunchy cookies . It’s hard to not just binge and eat a crap ton of these. They’re smallness will trick you but remember: they’re still cookies! Yummy find for $3.99.


 And last but not least… Coconut Creamer. I’ve become a bit lactose intolerant these days, making my love of creamy coffee a hard indulgence. With magical coconut creamer and cold brew coffee though, I can return to my (almost) care free days of creamy coffee love. It does not taste distinctly coconutty to me when added to my coffee. It brings the right amount of creamy and doesn’t make my stomach hate me, so I love it. Rejoice lactose intolerant folks! Enjoy creamy coffee again for a mere $1.49.

Hope you enjoyed this Spring Edition of Trader Joe’s finds. Got any suggestions or favorite products of your own? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Friday! 

6 thoughts on “trader joe’s spring edition finds

  1. Aww yeah, the KRINGLE! The pecan is pretty good. Way better than the pumpkin (which I bought out of curiosity) but not as good as the Almond. Glad you were able to snag a Kringle here!

    1. Yessss thanks for telling me about the magical kringle! I hope they bring the almond ones back, I can’t wait to try those. I hope they bring in other flavors throughout the year, those kingles are so good.

  2. Haha I’ve also tried the “Inner Bean”, which is like the snap peas but a black bean instead XD the names are so cute! Haven’t tried the kringle yet, though – will need to do that!

    1. Hi Jinxi! I’d probably never buy the bean one since I’m not into beans but I do love their names for everything! I love that the “French” products say “Trader Jacques” and stuff. Cracks me up every time! The kringle is dangerous, but in a really delicious kind of way.

  3. 17 kale leaves in the juice? How oddly specific! 😛

    Inner Peas are soooooooo good. YUM! Dangerous, though, because they can be eaten in one sitting. By me. Only. I have no shame.

    The cookies look tasty! And the coconut milk, I need to track that down.

    BUT THE BEST THING IN THIS POST IS THE KRINGLE!!!! Sorry for yelling, but THE KRINGLE!! My friend from WI got my hooked on them and was stoked to find one here. They had them at Christmastime, too!

    1. Hi Lauren – Haha… I know… 17 leaves EXACTLY. How do they even know that?! The Kringle is totally amazing and I can’t believe I haven’t gone out and bought another one yet (though probably for my own good… but still…. krinnnnnnnnnngle)!

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