scoring tickets with

“Scoring” tickets! See what I did there? I’m sure you did and I’m also sure you’re groaning at me right now but it’s okay. Let me tell you about this new site I was invited to try out called ScoreBig. ScoreBig is sort of like the Priceline of ticket sales for sports games, concerts, and Broadway shows. You check out what events they have, select where you want to sit and offer a bid on the tickets.

When you go to the site, you can input in your location and it’ll show you all of the things available for your area. ScoreBig isn’t quite everywhere yet, but there’s a fair selection for San Diego and Los Angeles.

Jake and I weren’t really sure what we wanted to do for tickets. We thought about going to another Padres game, or trying to catch another Angels v. Red Sox game, or even checking out Passenger who is coming to San Diego in September. In the end, we agreed on getting tickets to attend the Broadway showing of the musical, Once.


I remember my friend Alyssa told me about the film (which came out in 2006) and that I would love it. She was right! Jake agreed to see this since he did say after we went to see Book of Mormon last month he wanted to go see more musicals/plays (yay)!

The process for using the site is pretty easy. You select the show and then the dates you want to go. Once you get to the “Select Seating” page it gives you various options for pricing and seating. It’ll tell you full price tickets in that section and you select based on that. You DO NOT get to select your specific seats – just the area you want to be in. Your seats will be placed together so you don’t have to worry that your companion will be sitting far away from you.


After comparing dates, prices and seating areas you finally get to make an offer. The site tells you the full price of tickets for that section and gives you an indicator so you can gauge whether or not your offer will be accepted. Getting your offer in the “green” range is ideal.

If you get a little too cocky set your price too low, the site will warn you like so:


Basically the site is telling you to not be so silly and bring your offer up a little higher. You can risk it though, but if your offer isn’t accepted you have to wait 24 hours before you can make another offer.

You instantly find out if your offer is accepted and if it is then the processing begins right away. They do 2 day Fed-Ex shipping on your order at no extra charge. The offer you make per ticket is the whole price you pay – there are no further taxes, convenience charges or shipping fees. If you make an offer for 2 tickets at $50 each, you pay $100 flat. This is honestly the most appealing part of it for me since I hate all of the hidden extra fees that you might find on some other ticketing websites.


Our tickets came via FedEx on Wednesday after I ordered them online Saturday night. Very speedy and very easy to use.

My only gripe about this site is that there is not a ton of San Diego stuff on here! There’s only about 14 things BUT it does include Padres and the Chargers. There’s a lot more stuff for Los Angeles so if you’re looking to attend something up there as well, try out ScoreBig for your next set of tickets!

Disclaimer: I was given a promo code of $100 to try out ScoreBig’s site to see how it works and to get tickets for myself. I was not further compensated and all opinions and content (minus the screenshots) are my own.

2 thoughts on “scoring tickets with

  1. I like how this has no “service” or “convenience” fees. How is it convenient for anyone to charge me $9 to email me a barcode. It is so upsetting especially when they charge per ticket too….

    1. Hi J.S. – I’ve always thought it was so stupid to charge a fee so I can print out tickets myself at home. Why is there a fee for that?! I’m using my own paper and ink! The “convenience” fees seem to really be getting out of hand these days. A site that offers me discounted tickets with no extra fees makes me a happy camper. I just wish they had more events available!

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