supplements, probiotics & you: whole foods whole body sale

I’m not really much of a person to suggest ways on how to live your life – but I don’t mind sharing ways that I’ve helped myself in my own life. I used to have terrible digestion problems from the various medications I’d be on and been trying. My stomach seemed to be upset with me ALL OF THE TIME, no matter what I did. I couldn’t really stop taking my meds (though… I kind of did for awhile, but that resulted in unhappy times in other areas) so I had to find other ways to deal.

One thing I ended up discovering was Probiotics. I tried a whole bunch of different probiotics: the kind inside of yogurt and the kind inside of juice and other various drinks forms. Neither seemed to be a good fit – either too much sugar, too expensive, or my stomach didn’t like it, either. Finally I tried it in pill form – and that was the secret! I had a happier tummy plus the immunity boost I’m sure helped out in ways I didn’t even realize. As a person who gets sick A TON I needed all the help I could get.


Luckily I haven’t been sick since last winter – when I ended up in urgent care from contracting an pneumonia. Spending 6+ hours at the hospital with the possibility of having to be admitted made me become extra cautious/paranoid and I’ve been taking various supplements ever since then – including my beloved probiotics. My supplements of choice have been Emergen-C, echinacea, probiotics, and fish oil, if you’re curious.

If you’re paranoid like me – or just looking for ways to boost your weak ass immune system – Whole Foods is ramping up for a sale this weekend where ALL supplements are 25% off including Bio K and all probiotics, fish oils, other vitamins and more! It’s a great opportunity to either stock up or try out a few things to add to your regimen. I’ll have to stop by myself to stock up on a few things – and a sale is always a good time to do it.


Get into Whole Foods this weekend and help out your immune system. Being healthy is pretty awesome, if you ask me!

* Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Whole Foods. All opinions and statements made here are my own. Sale offer available in Southern California, Arizona, Las Vegas and Hawaii only.

2 thoughts on “supplements, probiotics & you: whole foods whole body sale

  1. Hey, I think you mighta spelled something wrong in your header. I was laughing b/c I read ‘robots’ and your last comment on my post made me bust up so hard about the word.

    I tried probiotics for a short time but it didn’t do much for me. How long did it take you to feel a difference with the probiotics?

    I wish Whole Foods did 25% off their entire body/supplement department (shampoo, face moisturizer, etc) as well. Sprouts does that quarterly and I go there to stock up.

    1. Oh… blogger fail 🙂 Maybe I WAS thinking about robotics when I wrote that… hmm! I fixed it, thanks for letting me know haha! It probably took about a month to notice a steady difference, but not having stomach problems every day makes life so much happier!

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