heaven sent desserts / north park – san diego, ca

This winter Jake joined a softball league and I, as the dutiful girlfriend, have been attending all of his night games. Yes – night games. Being a native San Diegan, sitting outside in winter is not really something that brings me joy even if it doesn’t ever snow here. I know our “winter” is not the same as the rest of the country, but hey – it still gets chilly out there! But, I am supportive and so I grab my lawn chair, a heavy blanket, a sweater, a jacket, a scarf, a hat and gloves to bundle up and watch my baby play in all of his games. His team calls me their “#1 Fan” since I’m the only one who comes to watch them play. Isn’t that cute?

One evening before one of his games last month I had some time to kill before the game started. I got out of work and headed down into North Park and managed to nab a parking spot about a block away from my destination: Heaven Sent Desserts. I was about to have my dessert first!


After staring at the beautiful dessert case for a long ass time (hey – it’s dessert – it requires extra thinking!) I choose this three layer mousse cake for my afternoon “snack”.


It has three layers of chocolate: dark chocolate mousse on top, followed by milk chocolate and white chocolate before getting to the chocolate cake base.

Each layer was delicious but all three together created this silky smooth, not too sweet, creaminess followed by a bit of moist, delicious chocolate cake. It felt sinful but oh so right! I ate it slowly and enjoyed a quiet couple of hours as I devoured this dessert piece by luscious piece.


I also had a cup of hot green tea to keep me company. While I watched the people and traffic flow by and while I read the latest issue of “Cooking Light”, looking for new cooking ideas and recipes to try.


It was a lovely brief time by myself before I braced myself and layered back up to go and watch Jake’s game. Jake had the last two weeks off so this week we’re back to it. It’s been a little warmer lately so maybe it won’t be so cold this week! My fingers and toes can only hope.

View my previous post on Heaven Sent from 2010!

Heaven Sent Desserts
3001 University Avenue
(at University and 30th St.)
San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 793-4758

8 thoughts on “heaven sent desserts / north park – san diego, ca

  1. It seems like they’ve reduced the space at Heaven Sent and opened the bottle shop next door. I’ve always liked their chocolate chip cookies: slightly crisp on the outside but chewy in the center.

    1. Hi Darlene – I saw the Bottle Shop next door and almost went in! I hadn’t been in a long time but the space seemed about the same to me, maybe a little less. Jake’s favorite thing here is the Red Velvet cupcake (it’s his favorite bakery item anywhere in town!).

  2. That dessert looks yummy. We have sampled this place during taste events a couple of times. From your other post you mention the happy hour thing. Do they still do that?

    1. Hi Lynn – Yes, I believe they do still do the happy hour thing. It’s set desserts though and I didn’t want the choices and opted to slurge instead. It’s not listed on their website, but I saw on Yelp someone went last month got the HH deal.

  3. Glad to see that Heaven Sent is still around. Your dessert looked very pretty with all the layers. The last few times I went, I was disappointed with what they had and that they also didn’t “decorate” the plate (it makes a difference, as small as it might be). It’s always fun to people watch in North Park!

    1. Hi CC – It fun to go back in there since I hadn’t been in forever. Usually we get something to go instead of hanging out there but it’s a cozy place to be if you have some time to kill. Aw, that’s too bad they didn’t doctor up your plate for you. The sauce is dual purpose – it’s pretty and it tastes good! Maybe the person doing your plate was grumpy that day or something.

  4. I came here once but the place was packed. I don’t remember the desserts being that great but maybe I didn’t order the right items? I love dark chocolate so your mousse cake looks delicious. And the parking in North Park is soooo bad – especially for someone who can’t parallel park.

    And what’s up w/ the weather being so warm during the day but so cold at night. You are such a dutiful girlfriend. The team should make you a t-shirt (or maybe a sweater since it’s night games) that says #1 fan on the front 🙂

    1. Jake’s favorite thing is the red velvet cupcake! I like their chocolate desserts as well. Maybe you didn’t quite find the best thing for you yet! They rotate and try out different things so it’s always nice to pop back in and see what they’ve got going on. I usually manage to park in North Park. The street south of University has all those diagonal spots so it’s easier to park there. There’s so much good stuff in North Park!

      Funny, Jake said his team was thinking about getting a shirt made for me. Last game I went to, one of his teammates called me “Superfan” haha

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