[recipe + reivew] smoky bacon pasta w/ gustus vitae smoked sea salt

Earlier this summer, I received a few of these Gustus Vitae Condiments on my doorstep to try:


I’ve used the “Taste of Cajun” blend a couple of times for things like steak rub, rib rubs and on top of pan fried pork chops. But… I didn’t take any photos of those adventures. I assure you it is a delicious blend of Cajun-like flavors without being hot. It’s flavor baby, not heat! You could make it all hot and steamy with some cayenne. If you need to.

I can’t think of what to do with the Green Tea Sea Salt (yet), so that leaves me with the smoky sea salt, which I actually love, love, love. I used it for this:


A bacon pasta carbonara-like dish with a sprinkle of smoky sea salt to impart that smoky flavor just a little bit more.


You can see this is a coarse grain sea salt. The smoked flavor comes through immediately, just by opening in the lid and getting a little whiff of the salt. The smell reminds me of BBQ’s and campfires and smoking meat in my backyard this summer. It’s not overpowering, and add just a touch of smokiness and flavor to whatever dish you’re preparing. This is a great finishing salt, and I really can’t wait to try it in desserts (I’m thinking maybe in some fudgy brownies? Must experiment!).


The other cool thing? Magnets.

Each container has a magnet on the back so you can stick it on the fridge. I actually stick them to the side, but they look pretty neat front facing on the fridge. This way you can’t forget about them sitting all lonely in the back of your cabinet behind the olive oils and extracts.


This pasta is like a carbonara, but not, because I used cream which if you’re all crazy about it is a no-no. But if you’re not crazy about it, then let’s call it a cabonara anyway, maybe? Anyway, it’s got eggs, cream, bacon, lots of Parmesan cheese, a crapton of garlic because I love garlic, onions, pepper and of course THE SALT and the BACON.

The heat of the hot pasta cooks the eggs to form this crazy creamy sauce but you must STIR THE CRAP out of this, otherwise the eggs get all weird and scrambled and instead you have a weird breakfast kinda looking thing.

I thought about “cheating” and using hot water to temper the eggs a little first and then do the mixing but I just went for it. The eggs didn’t scramble too badly on me, there were a few kind of sort of chunky spots but NO MATTER. It tasted delicious and that is what my taste buds care about.

Make this! And get this smoky sea salt! Also, stop buying that crap table salt.

The recipe, if you are so inclined:

Smoky Bacon Pasta
  1. 12 oz spaghetti
  2. 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  3. 3-4 garlic cloves, chopped
  4. 6 slices thick cut bacon
  5. 3 large eggs
  6. 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  7. 1/2 cup heavy cream
  8. black pepper
  9. smoked sea salt
  1. Start boilin' yer water. Cook your spaghetti per package instructions.
  2. Cook the bacon! I didn't bother cutting it up first, I just laid the strips out and cooked like normal and chopped the bacon after. Either or, whatever floats your boat, man.
  3. In a bowl, mix your eggs, cheese, cream, salt and pepper.
  4. Reserve a few tablespoons of bacon grease, drain and wipe out your pan with a paper towel. Pour the grease back into the pan and add the onions. After a few minutes when the onions have softened a bit, add the garlic and cook for another minute or so. Pull off heat.
  5. When your pasta is all hot and done, be sure to reserve a cup of the hot water. In a large bowl, add your pasta and then your egg/cream mixture. Stir like your life depended on it! The stirring and the hot pasta will "cook" the eggs to form a creamy sauce. It'll take a few minutes for it to get all right with the world.
  6. When it comes together, add in the chopped bacon and onions/garlic and stir again. Add parsley if you wanna! I forgot to do that.
  7. Serve in bowls. Sprinkle each bowl with another bit of the smoked sea salt. Devour.
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman
Adapted from The Pioneer Woman
This Tasty Life http://food.theplainjane.com/

*Disclaimer: I received complimentary samples of Gustus Vitae Condiments for review. I was not otherwise compensated for this review. Review, thoughts, opinions and rantings are all my own.

2 thoughts on “[recipe + reivew] smoky bacon pasta w/ gustus vitae smoked sea salt

  1. Love simple pasta like this! And I haven’t used any “specialty” salts (unless kosher and sea salt count?) so I’m dying to try something along these lines. … As for the green tea sea salts, how about green tea cupcakes with a buttercream frosting and the salt as a finisher? Just thinking aloud… 🙂

    1. Hi Ani! I adore salts, I have a ton of them in my cabinet right now and I used them all the time for cooking and desserts. Fleur de sel is one of my favorites and can be used in a lot of things – I recommend that one if you need to start somewhere! Thanks for the idea for the green tea salt! I’m not a huge fan of green tea desserts, but maybe I would like it more if I made something myself. Maybe it would also go well with like a soba noodle dish. Hmm!

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