peanut butter and chocolate potato chips

I’m sorry, what does this post title say?

Peanut Butter and Chocolate covered what?

Potato Chips.


Totally Jake’s idea. I just executed it. (Jake helped, too).

He got the idea after a recent trip to Trader Joe’s. I had bought a bag of milk chocolate covered potato chips, which I really liked. Jake put together the idea of my love of peanut butter + chocolate with the potato chips and viola!

A delicious idea was born.

You don’t need a whole lot for this recipe. It’s mostly just melting and waiting. Also, I used about twice as much chocolate as shown (of each kind).

First things first: melt your peanut butter. Just scoop out a few spoonfuls and nuke it for a about a minute.

And then do this:

Dip it! I liked a few that weren’t dipped all of the way, but Jake liked to cover them up.

It’ll look really weird at first. Just trust me.

You’ll soon end up with this messy plate full of peanut butter covered potato chips.

Go ahead and eat one now. It’ll taste surprisingly good. Promise.

Stick this into the fridge or freezer to set. Do another batch. Stick that one in the fridge, too.

Then, play Chocolate Jenga. There are no losers in Chocolate Jenga.

Once your boyfriend manages to topple over your chocolates, melt a batch. I did it in a double boiler, just because.

If you do it in a double boiler, too, make sure that the fire is turned down to the lowest setting possible on your flame. The water should just be barely simmering and not touching the bottom of your bowl or upper pan. Place the chocolate in the top and after 10-15 seconds, it’ll start to melt and you can stir it to help it along. It won’t take long, so don’t leave your stove. You don’t want to overdo it! Seized up chocolate is gross.

I did one set of chocolate at a time. We started with semi sweet (I would have preferred milk but it’s what we had) and then later we did white chocolate.

When the potato chips come out of the fridge/freezer, they’ll have a matted look to them and the peanut butter should not come off on your fingers when you pick it up. Shouldn’t take very long to set, especially if you stick them in the freezer (about 5-10 minutes).

Then it’s time to dip!

We pretty much just used our clean hands to dip the chips into the chocolate. We tried to get it all covered at once, since the warm chocolate made the peanut butter melt ever so slightly.

I also used a fork to create strings of chocolate and put some of the white over the semi-sweet.

Like so:

We had some pieces completely covered. Some, we sprinkled on a little sea salt. Some got white and semi-sweet and some only got partially dipped.

Jake and I both preferred the white chocolate (or dual chocolate) covered ones to the semi-sweet, as the white was sweeter and gave a better balance of salty-sweet. I think they would have been perfect with milk chocolate as well, but if you’re a fan of the darker chocolate then give a whirl with that.

You get a nice, crunchy exterior with the richness of the peanut butter and the sweetness of the chocolate, making for a fun, textural treat!

Are you brave enough to try it? I hope so!

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Potato Chips

Kettle cooked potato chips (or any other thick cut potato chip)
Peanut Butter
Chocolate (semi, dark, milk or white)

Melt a few spoonfuls of peanut butter in the microwave for about one minute. Dips your potato chips directly into the peanut butter, coating the chips on both sides.

Let chips set on a plate – place into the freezer for 5-10 minutes (or in the fridge for about 15 minutes).

While the chips with peanut butter are setting, melt your chocolate either in the microwave or over a double boiler (see notes above about melting over a double boiler).

When the chocolate is fully melted, bring your chips back out and dip them again in your favorite chocolate.

If desired, sprinkle with a touch of sea salt.

Let the chips set up again in the freezer or fridge before stuffing these into your mouth.

4 thoughts on “peanut butter and chocolate potato chips

  1. Best idea ever!

    I do remember buying what was considered a ‘novelty’ way back in the late 80’s…it was white chocolate covered potato chips. I didn’t like it too much since I’m not a white chocolate fan. The chips were pretty inferior too.

    Now this…this is so much better! PB too! Must make soon!

  2. Haha, nice Darlene.

    Hi CC – It’s better when you can control all of the ingredients 🙂 It’s definitely tasty, hope you can try it!

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