tintin chocolate bars / product review

I received these complimentary products for review from Formula PR. I was not paid for the following review. All opinions are my own.

Confession: I haven’t seen this movie.

But I got some chocolate bars themed after the movie Tintin.

Tintin is a pretty weird name.

This isn’t a movie review blog, but hey, I’m totally down with trying out new chocolate. My sweet tooth will not let me pass up things like this.

The Tintin chocolates have four flavors: Dark Chocolate with Cocoa Nibs, Belgian Milk Chocolate, Belgian Milk Chocolate with Hazelnut and Almond pieces and Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt

I decided to go outside my comfort zone and try the one I thought I would like the least first. The Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt.

Surprisingly (to me), I actually kind of liked it. The dark chocolate was smooth, not as sweet as my favorite milk chocolate, of course, but it had a rich flavor and the hint of sea salt gave the chocolate bars a nice balance and intensity. Getting the salt in with the sweet was a nice play and I liked how the flavors merge together.

Also, it tastes really, really good with some Porto wine. Porto wine: future post. Look out for it!

My favorite of the bunch though was chocolate with the puppy on it! Milk chocolate with hazelnut and almond? Yes, please! I used that bar as my “emergency chocolate” for when Jake and I finished up our holiday shopping this weekend. I ate a couple of pieces while we stood in long lines at Big Lots or while navigating through the crowds at Target. It was quite helpful.

Jake, T and I ate the plain old milk chocolate one at the movies this weekend (Sherlock Holmes! It’s good! See, this is why I don’t have a movie blog).  The milk chocolate in the plain and the one with nuts were both excellent. The chocolate was so creamy and smooth and I really liked slowly dissolving in my mouth for maximum flavor retention. Mmm. That stuff was good.

Final confession: I didn’t try the dark chocolate with cocoa nibs. I sent it to someone for Christmas. I hope they like it.

The Tintin Chocolates are available at Cost Plus this season and sell for $1.99 a bar.

Thanks for Formula PR for sending me these delicious chocolate samples! My tastebuds thank you as well.

5 thoughts on “tintin chocolate bars / product review

  1. I’m glad to hear the salted dark chocolate changed your mind! There are a lot of great treats at Cost Plus. I’ve had to remind myself several times this season to pick up Christmas gifts for OTHERS, not myself, although I did get myself a few things this year!

  2. I saw them at World Market reduced to 50 cents a bar. Wow – That’s less than a Hershey Bar for 72% Belgian dark chocolate! But all they had was the Captain Haddock Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt. The chocolate was pretty good, but unlike other chocolate with sea salt I’ve had, the salt was overpowering. Not a “hint”, but a bunch of large coarse grains of sea salt in the midst. But it’s still better than a Hershey bar.

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