tasty things in life: best eggrolls in san diego

I’ve lived here all of my life, minus a brief college stint in Boston, and I’ve eaten many, many sub-par eggrolls in my time. I remember finally discovering a delicious eggroll in Boston – something meaty, crunchy and delicious – and wishing there was something like it back home.

Most of the eggrolls I’ve encountered are of the spring roll variety – filled with veggies and weird sauces. I like the chicken eggrolls myself, but often found that they contained so much filler that they could barely be classified as chicken eggrolls.

Enter the eggrolls from Mandarin Chinese in Chula Vista.

Oh, hello crunchy bits of goodness! Where have you been all of my life?

So meaty. So crunchy. So yummy. The perfect portion of meatiness with veggies, not saucy on the inside and perfectly golden brown on the outside.

I love these a lot. Get some, stat!

2 thoughts on “tasty things in life: best eggrolls in san diego

    1. No! I haven’t been in there, but I remember you wrote about getting fresh lumpia there once. When we got these egg rolls, we also had a box of the wings with us 🙂

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