Holiday Baking Day Two: Chocolate Caramel Crackers

I first saw this recipe over at Smitten Kitchen. Chocolate Caramel Crackers. Saltines covered with a basic caramel sauce and chocolate. I had all of the ingredients already in my kitchen and I whipped them up in a jiffy and I gave them out last year for my holiday treats. Everyone loved them – the combination of salty and sweet with the crunch from the saltines make them really, really good. I had to include them again this year.

I made 2 batches. One I dolled up with almond slices, a slightly sprinkling of salt, and a drizzle of white chocolate.

The other batch I crushed up a bunch of mini candy canes and sprinkled those over the still melted milk chocolate, some Christmas sprinkles and another fine drizzle of white chocolate. I was really into drizzling stuff this year.

The other nice thing about this candy is that you don’t have to make it look nice after that – just break it into pieces as best you can. I like to use the baking mat to help me break it up.

All broken up and ready for the treat boxes (and the occasional snack while packing up said boxes).

Chocolate Caramel Crackers
(from Smitten Kitchen)

1 sleeve of saltine crackers
1 stick of butter
1 cup of brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Chocolate Chips (I use Guittard milk chocolate chips)
Extra for topping (almond slices, crushed candy canes, sprinkles)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil or use a baking mat. Place saltines in rows until the whole sleeve (or the whole tray) is used.

Melt butter and brown sugar on a stove top. After the mixture boils, let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Take off heat and stir in vanilla. Be sure not to boil it for too long – I’ve had problems with overcooking it at this stage and getting a burnt taste later – not so good! The mixture will thicken as it boils.

Immediately pour the caramel mixture over the crackers – work quickly to not let it set. Even out the caramel with a spatula and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes.

Take the crackers out of the oven and sprinkle a good amount of chocolate chips over the top (about a cup or more – to your liking). Pop this back into the oven for 1-2 minutes to let the chocolate melt. Take the tray back out of the oven and use an offset spatula to spread the chocolate evenly over the crackers. While the chocolate it still warm, sprinkle with the topping of your choice. Let set and cool.

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