the original pancake house / clairemont – san diego, ca

I’ve lived in San Diego just about all of my life, and I hadn’t been here until last year. What’s wrong with me? Do I not love pancakes? No. That’s not it. I was just sheltered. I thought IHOP was decent enough in the past, but now I know better. There’s places like the Original Pancake House to bring you out into the world and away from tolerable pancakes to excellent pancakes. And yeah, it’s also a chain, but it’s a better chain.

The dutch baby pancake is not only a sight to behold, but it’s delicious with butter, lemon and sugar on top. No syrup here, folks, unless you really want to slab it on there. It’s baked in the oven and covered with goodness and puffs up just so to fill your entire plate with pancake happiness.

The Original Pancake House - Dutch Baby

I also tried the pecan pancakes. I was really debating between the pecan pancakes and a lovely thing I spotted called “bacon pancakes” but the pecan craving was stronger on this particular visit. But don’t you worry. Bacon pancakes will be in my future. From the description it sounded like they A) put bacon into the pancake batter and B) put bacon on top of the cooked pancakes. Ohhh yes.

The Original Pancake House - Pecan Pancakes

So anyway. The pecan pancakes were just what I wanted that day, a mouthful of crunchy pecan goodness. The pancakes were light and fluffy and the syrup didn’t taste fake like that stuff that’s made with molasses and doesn’t even have a hint of maple in it. I haven’t tried anything but the pancakes here, but if you insist then be my guest, but maybe you should have gone to the Original Omelet House instead. Also, I don’t even remember if they have omelets, but again, I think my point still stands.

You should go here. But be forewarned, the parking lot is small and sparse and you might be circling the lot for a bit. Sunday mornings are usually packed and you may be waiting a while, but it’s worth it.

The Original Pancake House
3906 Convoy Street
San Diego, California 92111

5 thoughts on “the original pancake house / clairemont – san diego, ca

  1. My friend drives an hour to the OPH in El Segundo once a week just to get a dutch baby and their fluffy omelets. I think the best thing on the whole menu though are the 49er flap jacks. You’ve got to try them!!!

  2. I’ve only been in SD for a few years and I haven’t been to this place either – sounds like it’s time to head over there! I love pecan pancakes. Glad to find your blog – I’m going to need to peruse to see if there are other hidden gems I need to know about!

  3. I love the Original Pancake House! I live near chicago and there are several locations near me. I’ve always ordered the Dutch fruit bowl which is bascially the dutch baby but filled with bananas, strawberries and blueberries and served with “to die for” strawberry syrup!

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