yogurt world / mira mesa – san diego, ca

I also went to Yogurt World today.

I had noticed they had a sign for this place up for about a month or so, “Yogurt World – Coming Soon”. I only noticed that it was opening today because they had those guys dressed up in Chinese Dragon costumes dancing around the outside and inside of the store while a troop of fellows played drums behind them. I think that went on for about a half hour before the store actually opened at 12:28pm. The sign actually said “Grand Opening – March 1st at 12:28pm”. I overheard a guy ask the manager what the significance of the time was, and he just said, “It’s a lucky time for us.”

yogurt world

Yogurt World is a self serve frozen yogurt place. You go down to the end, pick up a cup, and pick what yogurt you want. They had a whole bunch of flavors, ranging from New York Cheesecake and Green Tea, to Strawberry and Mango flavors to “sour” yogurts to the flavor I actually picked, which was Peanut Butter. There were probably about a dozen different flavors to choose from in all. There’s also a ton of toppings to choose from: I saw granola, cereals, chocolate chips, M&Ms, mini Reese’s pieces, oreos, nilla wafers, gummi bears, all kinds of fruits and nuts, coconut and more. You dump whatever toppings you want into your cup and head for the counter.

Here you smack your concocted bowl of yogurt down to be weighed. It costs $.38 cents an ounce. The ounces add up quick though! I filled my cup above half way and dumped mini Reese’s pieces, almonds and a couple of Reese’s peanut butter cup pieces and my total came out to $2.53.

frozen yogurt

The yogurt itself was pretty good. It wasn’t overly sweet and had a nice peanut butter flavor – it wasn’t “full on” peanut butter, more like a hint of it more than anything else. Sorry my photo isn’t prettier. I was excited to eat it and was about to get in the car and go and didn’t have time to take the lid off. Dur.

There’s also another popular location in Kearny Mesa, if that interests you. I hear the parking there sucks though.

Yogurt World
8995 Mira Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92126

3 thoughts on “yogurt world / mira mesa – san diego, ca

  1. I live right down the street from this Yogurt World. It was great at first, but they stopped serving California Strawberry. I would rather go to the one on Convoy now..

  2. This article seems to be written by te owner of Yogurt World. First, I never paid less than $6 dollars for a cup of Yogurt there. As a matter of fact, they changed the cups a couple of weeks ago and I got charged $9.60 dollars for a cup of yogurt! Ok, it was filled to the top, but nonetheless it was one of the small cups. I felt ripped off and what can you do after you served and you are in fron to the cashier?
    I walked out thinking something was not right. The strange thing is that a week later the same size cup was $6.80.
    Another thing is that they are very cheap people.If you ask for a small tasting cup, they make sure to give you only one!!! Anywahere else you get at last a couple of them. And the spoons they have are the cheapest spoons you can buy. The bent as soon as you stick them in the cup. Awful service, but the flavor are good. YogurtLand is a much better place 100% and at a much better price, 30 cents instead of 39cents an ounce!!!!

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