kirin sandwich, mini donut ice cream, carnitas & pig ears + other ramblings

This will be another one of those radical random rambling posts (yes I just said radical, no I’m not stuck in the 90’s, hey I was going for alliteration). 


[the kirin]

First up! THE KIRIN. Instead of being a magical sea creature, this is actually a sandwich filled with sea creatures. Shrimp to be specific. It’s one of the newer sandwiches from Supernatural Sandwiches and it’s a Shrimp Banh Mi with Chinese sausage. Mostly you just see the shrimp in my photo but you can see bits of sausage peeking out in the back. It’s got the usual fixings for a banh mi and it’s on one of their bread rolls. I love their shrimp and other items here, but I still always wish the bread was a little bit thinner. In any case, it’s my new go to sandwich there. Because hello shrimp and sausage! Yums.  


[crispy pig ears]

Jake and I saw Dirty Dancing at the Civic Center earlier this year and before we went we stopped at the Counterpoint to check out the happy hour menu. They didn’t have too much going on and really what we wanted was the $5 chicharron but they were out of it. Instead, they offered crispy pig ears for the same price. Jake gave me a “uhhhh what” look but I decided we should try it to cross it off the foodie bucket list. And actually I quite enjoyed the pig ears. They had a crispy coating on them and there were some crunchy parts and some not so crunchy parts. The downside was how incredibly over-the-top-someone-get-me-some-water salty they were. Just… totally overkill on the salt, man. I would have enjoyed them a lot more if it weren’t for that.  


[carnitas plate with all the fixings / $11/lb]

There’s a place near the Kroc Center off University Ave (near La Mesa) called Carintas Las Michoacanas. I’ve blogged about it before. They sell a bunch of stuff by the pound and their main gig is the carnitas. We’ve been here quite a few times and this is like the only thing we ever get here. Pound of mixed carnitas (belly + everything else), a stack of corn tortillas, beans, rice, salsas and cilantro/onion mix. You build your own tacos and easily feeds 3-4 people (unless you have really, really hungry boys). And it’ll only cost you $11. Seriously. 


I saw this at Target awhile ago. OF COURSE I had to try it. 

Put “mini donut” on just about anything and I’ll want to try it. 


The inside of the carton. I spy lots of speckles of vanilla bean.


And I also spied these cinnamon chip things. But I did NOT spy mini donuts. What the hell, man. False advertising, I tell you. 

It tasted good, but not super awesome. It was more like vanilla bean ice cream with cinnamon chips. I was sad about not seeing any mini donuts in there, let me tell you. 


I went to Deli Sushi and Desserts again on my own a few weeks after I wrote my review of them. The owner lady recognized me and offered the iced green tea to me on the house. I was surprised she remembered me, actually. She explained that the green tea they were using before wasn’t a good brand and that they had switched. It did actually taste a lot lot better than the previous one I had (which was horrid) but I still didn’t quite loooooooove it. It was better though. I thought it was a really nice gesture!

There you have it. A bunch of random things. Happy Thursday!

6 thoughts on “kirin sandwich, mini donut ice cream, carnitas & pig ears + other ramblings

  1. I guess the comment I put in earlier was eaten in cyberspace. 🙂 So here it is again!

    Wth man, why even call it donut ice cream then. Lame.

    Bert and I need to go to Carnitas Michoacan. Soon. Heh heh.

    About the fried pig ears…it’s funny how all of these hipster places are serving it and people are eating it now that it’s ‘trendy’ to eat the whole animal when before it would have been, “Ewww gross”. I remember buying some before at Asia Cafe (I think they still sell them; they’re in a ziplog bag) not knowing what they were, then finding out what they were. There are some Filipino places where you can buy those too. Too bad the ones you had were too salty, but at least you tried it. 🙂

    1. I was baffled that there were no mini donuts! It felt like such a letdown and just a marketing ploy to trick me into buying that ice cream. I guess it worked. Boo.

      Yesssss, you need carnitas. They have a location in Chula Vista but not sure where, I saw it in their website.

      Jake still thought it was gross haha, I never thought to try it in particular. I’ve seen it when we’ve had whole roast pigs before. Usually I only think of pig eats as those dog rawhide treats. I was sad that it was uber salty, oh well. Maybe I’ll get to try it sometime again.

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