I dig doing my “foodie finds” posts and I hope you enjoy them, too! These are all things that didn’t warrant their own full post, but are still worth mentioning!
Actually this first thing isn’t a “find”. I made these deviled eggs! I don’t even have a real recipe for them. I just scoop out the yolks and then squirt in little mustard, add mayo, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and smoked paprika to taste. Then I add another little dash of paprika for color. I also added slices of green onion on top which I normally don’t do, but I think I will now do moving forward. I loved the little crisp flavor it gives – plus the pop of green!
More apple pie from the Julian Pie Company. This was the pie I bought after we went apple picking. We were going to go to Mom’s Pies (the location outside of town on the highway in nearby Wynola) but the line was out the door. NOPE.
Let me say this: I love dutch apple pie. Love, love, love it. Caramel dutch apple pie sounded so good but actually it is TOO MUCH. The caramel makes it too sweet and almost overbearing. I’m sticking with good old normal dutch apple in the future.
This photo is for CC who posted the photos of KD’s Donuts in Chula Vista with the missing letters. This is off 54th and El Cajon Blvd. Heh heh.
I tried another candy bar from F’N’Easy. They brand this as an all-natural candy bar.
“Thumbs Up” is like the vegan version of a Butterfinger candy bar. It has a peanut butter and rice milk center. It’s not peanut-buttery as a Butterfinger. It’s got a similar crispiness with that kind of “hollow” feeling when you bite into it. It’s very sweet and I only managed a couple of bites. I didn’t really care for the flavor or taste of it. It just tasted a little off to me. Sorry, vegan candy.
McDonald’s jumped on the pumpkin bandwagon and have Pumpkin Pies in stock.
They are actually pretty terrible.
The pumpkin pie filling barely has any spice or flavor to it and almost tastes like plain pumpkin. The crust is baked just like the apple pie and there’s sort of a dust of cinnamon on top.
Krispy Kreme is offering limited time special doughnuts for the Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary. You can get their the Ghostbusters logo or the Stay Puft Marshmallow man. They are actually the same doughnut, just different decorations on top.
At the very top of the photo is one Pumpkin Spice doughnut which I liked actually. It had a nice amount of pumpkin spice to it.
I like how our Stay Puft looks like he’s frowning. He’s sad he’s about to be eaten. Poor guy.
The special Ghostbusters doughnuts are filled with marshmallow cream and topped with a thick layer of white icing. We shared the donuts between two adults and two kids. I had two bites (only because I didn’t get any filling the first time) and Jake also had about two bites and then we were DONE. These were way, way, way, OMG over-the-top sweet. The extra thick icing paired with the super sweet filling was just overkill to me. It kind of killed my desire for sweets for the rest of the weekend. Ugh.
Minion and I visited Capetown in Miramar again recently. We were supposed to meet up with an old co-worker who ended up not being able to make it. Oh well! More delicious food for us. I tried the Peri Peri Wings on this visit and they were absolutely delicious! They have peri peri sauce on them, which makes them a little spicy, but the heat was enough for me to handle. They wings were very crisp and had a great amount of flavor. I’ll definitely order these again on a future visit!
My parents came back from a trip to Windsor, Canada/Chicago last weekend and my dad brought back a frozen deep dish pizza for us to try.
He brought back a small cheese pizza. Inside there’s a package of extra sauce that you place on top. He sliced up a bunch of red onions and put those on before adding the sauce.
Now I’ve said in the past I don’t think I really care for deep dish pizza…. now I can say that I was lying because I LOVED this. There’s a beautiful layer of delicious oozing cheese and the sauce was so flavorful and yummy. The crust is also outstanding! It’s almost like a buttery/flaky pie crust rather than pizza dough and I think that made a ton of difference. Since this was a frozen pizza basically recooked, the crust got a nice crunchiness that I loved. We shared the pizza between four people (it’s meant for two, but that’s crazy) and seriously…. one piece was enough. It felt like a lead weight in my stomach afterwards so I’m glad I only ate one piece but I loved it. Definitely adding Chicago to my list of places to visit!
Hope you enjoyed another installment of randomness!
Have a Happy Friday and don’t forget to enter the giveaway for The Wedge Cheese Fest! If you like wine, beer, or cheese, you’ll definitely want to check it out. I’m giving away two tickets for the Wedge Cheese Fest right over here. Giveaway ends tonight!
1. Julian Pie Company is way better than Mom’s. I don’t know why Mom’s always has such a long line. We blind-taste-tested every variety of apple pie from Mom’s and Julian Pie Co before our wedding and Julian’s was the favorite, hands down. The apple peach crumb is my favorite, when it’s available.
2. Have you heard that NICS: NOLA is reuniting Quantum Leap pals?? I may DVR November just to catch this. http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/16/ncis-new-orleans-dean-stockwell/
3. Why did McDonalds stop frying their pies? Fried pies are so much better than baked ones. It just makes me sad.
4. Happy Friday!
Hi Leanne – Usually when we go to Julian I get a slice to eat at Mom’s and then bring home a pie from Julian Pie Company. My friend likes to go to Mom’s because they have that bumbleberry pie because her family doesn’t like apples that much (what). Will have to try the apple peach crumb sometime! Sounds good.
I didn’t hear that about NCIS!! I haven’t actually seen it, even though I LOVE Scott Bakula. I will really have to check it out now though. So exciting!
McDonald’s is dumb. Do they think they’re fooling us into thinking they’re healthy with baked pies?! We all know what you serve, McDonald’s. Just get over yourself and fry some pies.
Haha the D Nuts made me laugh unnecessarily loudly in the office… whoops XD
I’m glad that you liked Giordano’s! That was where I had deep dish pizza in Chicago. One of my friends loves that place, so I was actually thinking about ordering a frozen pie for his bday, hehe. Glad to know that even though it’s a frozen pie, it’s still delicious
Heeheehee! Everyone gave you funny looks, maybe!
Giordano’s was really good! My dad said he got them right before they went into the airport, you should have brought some home! Though I read they also ship nationwide but I can’t imagine how much that shipping costs, oy.
Thanks Mary, I’m touched!!!! D’s Nuts is LIFE!!! Yeahhhh, boiiiii, hahaha!
I think of you every time I see that sign, haha!
Hi Mary, dunno if you’ve heard of Mama’s Kitchen (in SD) but they have a pie fundraiser for thanksgiving (http://mamaskitchen.org/events/mamaspieinthesky.php) and their dutch apple pie was quite tasty AND for a good cause! Just another option…
Nice roundup. I have tons of pics myself but I’ve got so many other drafts already and not much time to even finish those. *sigh*
Hi Lynn – I have heard of Mama’s Kitchen but I haven’t tried their pies yet. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll consider it for the holidays this year if I don’t feel like making my own. Maybe I’ll start a Thanksgiving dessert board on Pinterest for dessert ideas, too!
Wow all your foodie finds look so scrumptious. The Ghostbuster Cupcakes are so cool! O.M.G. the marshmallow cream sounds so good, I need to try it.
Thanks! Those donuts are super super sweet, so you’ve been warned haha! Maybe you have a better tolerance than I do though. They’re fun for this time of year!