party food and twinkie bundt cake

The next day after laser tag was the day of the party for T! It was just a small affair with Jake’s sister and her family, along with a friend of the family and my dad (plus Maya).


Jake manned the grill for the occasion and now I have photographic evidence that he can cook! Muhahaha.


BBQ grilled chicken was the main meaty course for the party.


A summer party also isn’t complete without some grilled corn. Oh, corn on the cob, I’m going to miss you when summer is over!


Little veggie platter that also had cheese cubes and little smokies (Maya might have received a few of those).


There was also strawberries and my dad brought watermelon.


Jake’s mom also made these two delicious salads. Homemade potato salad with lots of egg (mmm)…


and a really simple orzo salad with feta, parsley, and lemon (I love orzo salad).


T didn’t request anything specific for his birthday cake. I think he’s starting to feel like he’s too old now for themed cakes and his only request was that the cake be vanilla.

On Facebook I saw a post about a Twinkie Bundt Cake and I KNEW that this would be the perfect cake for him. When Hostess went “out of business”, Jake and I went to the Hostess outlet and ended up buying like 20 boxes of Twinkies. We maybe sold them on eBay for a ridiculous amount of money (maybe) but T decided to hang onto to his box of Twinkies and cherished it for quite some time. I figured this would be the perfect cake for him and his love of Twinkies!


There was a bit of a mishap with the candles… hence there are only two left. He enjoyed being the center of attention that day!


Here’s a peek at the inside of the cake. I had to dig a canal out in the middle of the cake to put the filling in (which is just a combination of butter, marshmallow fluff and vanilla extract).


I had a terrible time trying to judge just how big the hole needed to be, haha. Next time I’d probably just carve a bunch out, fill it, and then put cake crumbs back in (or carefully reconstruct it).

Happy 16th birthday, T. You are growing up too fast!


4 thoughts on “party food and twinkie bundt cake

    1. Thank you! People got a little silly about the Hostess shortage. I wonder if they all felt silly a few months later. All I can say is that it maybe paid for most of Christmas that year. heehee

    1. Hi CC – Haha, we kind of got the idea on the spot. They were selling the boxes of Hostess stuff for $1 and we happened to be there when the last truck came in. We figured we could make a few bucks since they were only $1 a box – we were right!

      For the cake, I cut holes in the bottom, about every few inches and then carefully hallowed out a little tunnel and connected the holes. I did not make my holes big enough though! It was hard to judge/tell how big they were but I’d definitely make it bigger next time. OR I’d just cut out a tunnel, fill it, and then carefully put some cake back on top. No one will see the bottom anyway, really. I must try again!

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