tasty things in life: dulce de leche cheesecake

Quite frankly I’m surprised that not every Wednesday posting is a dessert. Astounded, really, since I have such a major sweet tooth.

Dulce de Leche Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory

The Dulce de Leche Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory is one of my favorites and deserves a place amongst the tasty things in life. I like that it’s smooth, creamy, and rich with a lovely caramel flavor. It isn’t overpowering and there isn’t a bunch of crazy stuff in it like some their other crazy cheesecakes. It’s got a good hearty crust and I love the whipped cream with chopped nuts sprinkled on top. It’s so yummy! It’s also one of the few instances where Jake prefers something to my homemade version. Maybe if I ever got the crust just right…

What’s your favorite flavor of cheesecake?


4 thoughts on “tasty things in life: dulce de leche cheesecake

  1. I’m happy with any cheesecake I didn’t have to make myself. At The Cheesecake Factory, though, their banana cheesecake is my favorite. I also had the ricotta cheesecake at Macaroni Grill (so many chains!) and it was good, but it didn’t satisfy my cheesecake craving. Too light and fluffy and ricotta-y. But, according to the menu, it was also only 300 calories, which is nothing compared to TCF. =)

    1. Sometimes the calorie counts on menus depresses me. I never want to look up and find out how many calories are in TCF’s cheesecakes. I’ll just continue my tradition of only eating half of it and saving the rest for later.

    1. I make a pretty good cheesecake, though for some reason my crusts are always strangely too thick. I think I use too much graham cracker!

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