the tasty things in life: blueberry muffins from souplanation

I’m going to start doing “short posts” on Wednesdays featuring things that I love!

The Tasty Things In Life

Here’s my first post: the blueberry muffins from Souplantation!

I don’t know what it is about these little gems, but I can never get enough of them whenever we go to Souplantation. They are my favorite item there! They’re always warm and fresh with just the right amount of sweetness and lots of blueberries with each and every bite. And, they aren’t complete without a dollop of their luscious honey butter to go with them. I don’t normally eat blueberry muffins with butter, but honey butter just makes it all better.

What’s your favorite item at Souplantation?

8 thoughts on “the tasty things in life: blueberry muffins from souplanation

  1. The Chinese chicken salad! That seems to be the one thing with substantial meat in it besides the very bland chicken noodle soup. Oh and the whipped butter with honey. I love that with all the bread items.

    1. I always get the chicken noodle soup and then I just eat the noodles. The whipped honey butter goes with everything! Too bad I can never sneak the butter into my purse.

  2. Oh, those blueberry muffins are the BEST! I pull the muffin top off and slather it with honey… and then reluctantly eat the bottom part. I also love ending with a mini cone of soft serve.

    I also always get some of the pasta, but I never enjoy it. I’m not sure why I keep trying it…

    1. Muffin tops are the best. I always get the pasta, too, but never really like it. I always think, “Maybe it’ll be good this time.” hah!

  3. I love the blueberry muffins, too! I’ve never had it with the whipped honey butter – don’t know why since everything is better with butter.

    I like the chicken noodle soup, although I usually try to dig around for the dark meat. My husband adds spinach leaves to the soup, but he also thinks it’s way too bland..

    But my favorite Souplantation item is the cream of mushroom soup. They only have it on Mondays though.

  4. hi mary,
    haha – we used to steal, i mean sneak out these muffins in college during the late 80’s. we’d bring our uh, larger sized bags (remember those doctor type satchels) or backpacks and stuff ’em in there along with the chocolate muffins. starving college students. i loved the crusty tops of these muffins!

    Souplantation and Soup Exchange!!!!

    word ver:

    cream – also the name of a nasty prince song!

    1. Hi CC – I’ll fess up: I always sneak out a few muffins in my purse. They’re small enough and too tasty to not take a few with you on the way out!

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