twilight birthday cake & cupcakes

I have a confession to make.

I love the Twilight series.

And I’m in my 30’s.

Jake’s daughter, who just turned 11, also loves Twilight.

She’s got way more cool Twilight-related things than I do, since I only have the books and movies.

At least I don’t have a stand up cardboard version of Edward in my room?

In any case, she requested a Twilight cake for her birthday and this is what I created.

I made a mini “Twilight”cake and created cupcakes to go around it. I did a lion cupcake, a lamb, a cupcake with fangs & blood drips and various word related cupcakes.

The wordy ones are on white chocolate disks that I created from a plain round candy mold. I used food marker pens to write the sayings. The “Twilight” words were spray painted on with a template I created. The lion cupcake has toasted coconut for the “mane”. The lamb cupcake was created with mini marshmallows cut in half. I got the idea for the lion/lamb cupcakes from Cow Cake Creations.

I used a box of White Cake mix for the cakes because I was lazy and it only cost $1.

I always make my own buttercream frosting though. And I always use this buttercream recipe from the Repressed Pastry Chef.

I grabbed a copy of the Twilight logo and printed it out to size (a little less than 6 inches at 300dpi) and used an exacto knife to cut it out. I kind of messed up on the “G” and had to place the inside of the top G and bottom on the cake, which is probably why it got a little messed up when I sprayed it on. Oh well.

I don’t know if you can tell from this photo, but the cake sparkles in sunlight! I used edible cake luster dust to make it shiny and sparkly though the effect is quite subtle. This is also the first cake I did in which I used the paper towel technique to smooth the cake out. Quite effective, though my paper towel had a pattern to it.

The birthday girl loved it. The cake tasted pretty good.

*pats self on back*

Here’s to another year of cake baking!

3 thoughts on “twilight birthday cake & cupcakes

  1. hey if it makes you feel better, i am (cough) 41 and i also like twilight (the 1st 3 books because the last one suckd ballz).

    you are so crafty!

    ha, for my 40th bday bash in 2009, i used the ‘twilight’ font for my formal invites. only the twi-hards got it.

  2. hahah, that does make me feel a bit better! i think i’ve re-read the 4th book the least. still totally going to see the movies though. jake ate the “team jacob” cupcake since his daughter and i are both team edward and it was amusing me to me to see him eat a team jacob cupcake. none of my friends have read the series. i am a loner amongst my friends. thank god for the internet!

  3. have you seen the blog TWITARDED? It’s hilarious!!!!

    i just re-read the 4th book to see if i changed my mind. nope. still sux. but yeah, i’m going to see BD with my GBF anyways!!!!

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