The Cravory / San Diego, CA

The Cravory is a local San Diego company that specializes in creating gourmet cookies. They sell their cookie wares online and at local San Diego farmer’s markets. I’ve never noticed them at the market before, but when they were featured as a deal on Groupon not too long ago, I discovered their delicious creations.

Since the Groupon was for 1 dozen of the same flavor (sadly you could only order it online and not pick them up at the farmer’s markets), I decided to visit them at the market first and get a few cookies before deciding on what to get for my 1 dozen.

Jake and I went to the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market one Sunday and I bought a bunch of fresh fruits (nectarines! peaches!), avocados, some baked goods AND a bag of Cravory cookies. Since the market was almost over for the day, the Cravory only had a few cookies left. They had a mixed bag of cookies and some Honey Peanut Butter Cookies. The guy was really nice and gave me a deal on the mix bag plus some peanut butter cookies – so I got a little variety pack.

I don’t think these are exactly the ultimate peanut butter cookies they talk about on their site – but these peanut butter cookies have got the crunchy nuts in them – which I really liked. The Cravory’s cookies are the softer variety – almost cake-like.

In the mix bag, there was (from top, clockwise): Oatmeal Pear & Fig, Lemon Cherry Basil and Birthday cake. The Oatmeal Pear & Fig cookies reminded me very much of those Oatmeal Cream Pie cookies with the filling in them – same soft texture, similar in taste – though there was dried fruit in these cookies. I kind of wanted to make a cream filling for these…

The Lemon Cherry Basil – I didn’t really care of it. I barely ate it. I think someone else in my family ate it though, since it didn’t hang around for too long.

Of the mixed batch, the Birthday Cake cookie was my favorite. Sugar cookie with pieces of white chocolate in it, with tons and tons of sprinkles! So festive!

After I determined I liked the cookies, I went in a completely different direction and ordered something I hadn’t had – the Ultimate Chocolate Chip cookies, with three kinds (!) of chocolate in them.

Box the cookies come in when you order them online.

Pretty green wrapping. Sold.

These cookies are PACKED with chocolate – semi-sweet, bittersweet, and milk chocolate from Guittard (my favorite baking chip to use as well). It’s also got a sprinkle of sea salt so when you’re eating the cookies, you get a little hint of the salty-sweet combination playing around in your mouth – really tasty.

I want to reheat a cookie and eat it with some ice cream …. or … make the ultimate ice cream sandwich. Oh yes.

The Cravory
San Diego, CA

4 thoughts on “The Cravory / San Diego, CA

  1. I remember seeing them at the Hillcrest Farmers Market under a different name… something involving numbers maybe?

    Savory cookies are a tough sell but I remember enjoying their birthday cake cookie too. Anything cake-like except for brownies is a plus for me.

  2. Hi Darlene –
    Yeah, it’s the same company, they changed their name – it’s on their website somewhere. I wish they had samples of their pancake/bacon cookies – I was really interested in trying that, but I was at the market so late they hardly had anything left.

  3. I tried these tasty cookies this weekend at the OB Jazz Festival. The two that wow’d me were the Pancakes n’ Bacon (that Mary also commented on) and the Balsamic Rosemary cookie. Mmm mmm mmm. I wish I saved a few bites for today but I couldn’t contain myself! I am a sucker for sweet/salty combinations and love anything that sounds odd. BRING IT!

    I found your blog from researching the Cravory. I am a local San Diegan and support anything that enriches the food culture here. I’m looking forward to reading your posts on other SD finds around town. Fortunately, I get to work with and around creative food concepts ALL DAY, so I’m a happy camper. We (Home Chef Kitchen) make an incredible Bread Pudding with Salty Caramel Sauce that makes my eyes roll back! If you like the sea salt aspect of the Ultimate Chocolate Chip cookie then you’d be all about the salty caramel sauce.

    @ Mary – you need to search out those Pancake n’ Bacon cookies…totally worth it! The smokey, salty, sweet and buttery combo is somethin’ else!

    1. Hi Michelle – Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I haven’t thought about these cookies in a long time but your comment reminds me that I never did get to have those Pancakes n’ Bacon cookies. It’s been awhile since I’ve stopped in at the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market, too, so it’s high time for another visit! Thanks for reminding me about this!

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