smashburger sneak peek

Smashburger is continuing on their quest to infiltrate San Diego with additional store openings. They just recently opened up another location in Del Mar and this week they are preparing to open their third location in Mission Valley.

They are hosting a Sneak Peek Event on Wednesday, September 1st. Are you interested in going to the sneak peek party at the newest Smashburger? Sign up online for a chance to be entered into the party – click over here to put your name into the pool.

You can read my previous review of Smashburger to get a feel for what you can expect at the Sneak Peek Event!

3 thoughts on “smashburger sneak peek

  1. I did make it! I also went to the La Jolla opening, but missed Del Mar. You should get 4 more chances since they’re going to open up 7 locations in San Diego. You should be able to make it to at least one of those, right? 🙂

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