Batter Up! Cupcakes / Rancho Bernardo | San Diego, CA

I got another one of those stellar deals, this time for cupcakes from Batter Up! Cupcakes in Rancho Bernardo. I’d been sitting on the coupon for awhile since I usually drive south to Jake’s and going up north first seemed like a hassle. I also really wanted to go on a day when they had Peanut Butter & Chocolate cupcakes, but alas, this was not to be.

Look, ma! Cupcakes!

Jake and I took the kids up to the bakery for a cupcake afternoon. Two of the kids got the S’Mores cupcakes, one got a Caramel Apple Pie, Jake and I each got a Carrot Cake and then I got a Red Velvet to round it out for a half dozen cupcakes.

Here’s the Caramel Apple Pie cupcake – oozing with apple pie filling! Totally different for a cupcake, sort of a combination of cake and pie in one little cupcake. I got to have a bite and it was pretty good – the flavors melded well together and the frosting was excellent.

Here’s my Carrot Cake cupcake. My favorite part of this cupcake is that little bit of nuts on top of the frosting. The cupcake was moist and had good flavor, the frosting was creamy and hinted at spices. Jake proclaimed this to be “the best cupcake I’ve ever had”. I don’t know if I agree with that statement, but it was pretty darn good.

Cupcake prices are: $2.95 for a single cupcake, $16.50 for a half dozen and $32 for a dozen. They have “Home Team” flavors available every day and the “Visiting Team” flavors rotate throughout the week.

Batter Up! Cupcakes
16769 Bernardo Center Drive, K1
San Diego, CA 92128
858-676-CAKE (2253)

Batter Up! Cupcakes on Urbanspoon

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