ooo, cupcakes (groupon deal!)

I love when Groupon has tasty treats as their daily coupon offering. Today (or rather, this weekend’s) offering is cupcakes from Haute Pink Cakes. Half a dozen cupcakes for $8 (regularly $18). I love trying new bakeries, so this is an awesome deal. You can be sure I will post a review in the future!

Want in on the deal? Just visit Groupon to get the coupon – the coupon will be up through Sunday!

Here’s a couple of shots from their Cake Gallery:

R2D2 Cupcake - Haute Pink Cake

Pretty Cupcakes - Haute Pink Cakes

3 thoughts on “ooo, cupcakes (groupon deal!)

  1. Yum, I love cupcakes… just had a deal with Sprinkles, which literally made my life, although I realized you really can’t have more than two cupcakes at a time

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