Disney Holidays Foods

As Disney passholders, Jake and I were finally able to get back into the parks yesterday after being blocked out for most of December. It was also the last day of the Festival of Holidays at Disney California where they had a bunch of various holiday foods to sample. The holiday decor will now be coming down so we wanted to make sure we enjoyed the last bit of the holidays before it goes away until next season.

Jake and I both adore Carsland in Disney California. The attention to detail is so amazing. A christmas tree with hubcaps!

Holiday garland with air filters!

Christmas “Cars” movie posters! I love it all.

We were able to hop onto the Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! ride again by getting a Fastpass through MaxPass on my phone. I snapped a quick shot of Cosmo, who is in the Collector’s “collection”. I didn’t realize that there are 6 different “scenes” for this ride with different music and different drops. It’s fun!

I wore my “Eeyore ears” headband that I bought in Disneyland a long, long time ago. Maybe even 20 years ago, I’m not sure anymore. But while we were over in Pooh’s Corner, I saw Eeyore and Winnie the Pooh. Eeyore was quite excited to see me wearing Eeyore ears and he came up to me and booped me. Then Winnie the Pooh walked by and pet my Eeyore ears and Jake managed to get a quick photo with him. 

I brought my little Eeyore Funko Pop! figure, too, so I could take a few photos of him around the park.

And now… here’s what we ate.

We had the seasonal Candy Cane beignets from the Mint Julep Bar in New Orleans Square. The beignets are covered in a mixture of powdered sugar and crushed candy cane to give it a pepperminty flavor. I liked the added peppermint flavor – it was a nice touch and gave the beignets a pink glow. 

Over in Pooh’s Corner I found a Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar. I have read about this on Instagram and have been dying to try one for quite a while. It’s enrobed in milk chocolate and topped with crushed peanuts and a cute red chocolate Mickey.

On the inside, there are graham crackers on the top and bottom and the middle is filled with a solid peanut butter filling. The peanut butter filling is hard and crunchy and is a nice salty component that balances the milk chocolate outside. It wasn’t overly sweet and it was so delicious! 

Jake and I had talked about getting the Festival of Holidays Annual Passholder pass for the festival ($45 for 8 “tabs” which you can use to redeem items at the stands) but ended up only trying two items and not getting the pass. One item we tried was this Pork Belly Adobo with Garlic Fried Rice. It was topped off crispy chicharones. The pork belly was incredibly tender, juicy, flavorful, and AMAZEBALLS. I kind of wanted to get a second one. And a third one. And just eat pork belly all day. But I didn’t. But I kind of wish I did.

We also tried the Chorizo Queso Fundido which was a white creamy cheese sauce topped with chorizo and cilantro served with warm chips. The queso wasn’t really all that warm for some reason. The cheese was melted but it felt lukewarm. The flavor was okay. I felt like the cheese needed a bit more seasoning… or flavor… or something. Basically it was meh. 

We also stopped by the Boudin Bakery and I picked up a Mickey Mouse bread to go. Look at how large this thing is! And look how tired Jake is! I took this photo while we were waiting in line for the tram. 

All in all a successful Disney visit! I also got a couple of my favorite gingerbread cookies from the Jolly Holiday Bakery on Main Street. During our last visit, we got a Gingerbread cookie from Disney California and it was thicker, less sweet, harder gingerbread that I did not like (that one on the left in the photo above – WTF). The better, superior gingerbread cookie seems to only be at Jolly Holiday (on the right). I know because I saw that thicker gingerbread at Pooh’s Corner. The thinner one from Jolly Holiday has a much better flavor, texture, and is a million times better. Please note this for next season, my friends. 

5 thoughts on “Disney Holidays Foods

  1. Chris and I went to Disneyland with a couple friends in December. We shared the Food Holidays pass between the four of us – though we tried a couple other items, we ended up getting 6 orders of the Pork Belly Adobo 🙂 🙂

  2. Great round up of the holiday foods! That peanut butter bar cross section looked so good and crunchy! Bummer about that gingerbread being not as good as the ones before.

    How cute that Pooh and Eeyore went up to you! I remember taking a photo with Eeyore during Grad Night eons ago. Guests got to have their photos taken with certain characters. Ours happened to be Eeyore. 🙂

    1. The peanut butter bar was amazing! I loved the texture of it! I learned my lesson with the gingerbread cookies at least so I know where to go next holiday season. Oh cool you got your picture with Eeyore! I could have stood in line, but, eh, I didn’t wanna. But it was fun that they both came up to me 🙂

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