Fancy Treats at iDessert

Last weekend we took a little trip down to Little Italy to check out a place I’ve been wanting to visit for awhile: iDessert! The first time Jake and I tried to go here, they were having technical difficulties and had closed the shop for a few days. I was happy we were finally back!

iDessert - San Diego, CA

T got a couple of gift cards from work, which made it easier on our pocketbooks as well. The boys let me do the choosing, too. Jake sat outside with the dogs while I oohed and ahhed over all of the desserts inside. 

Rocher Corn Flakes at iDessert - San Diego, CA

I noticed they had trays of these out. They are basically chocolate covered corn flakes but they look fancier than that to me!

Mini Meringues at iDessert - San Diego, CA

Little bags of cute meringues. 

Flavored popcorn (caramel corn and Oreo), macarons, madeleines, and those long rectangles are rice krispy treats. 

Desserts at iDessert - San Diego, CA

The Rocher Corn Flake things. 

Boxed Desserts at iDessert - San Diego, CA

Even more desserts, including fancy chocolates. 

Menu at iDessert - San Diego, CA

At iDessert, you use iPads to order. You can build your own dessert, or choose one of their custom creations. It’s a bit overwhelming at first trying to decide what you want to order. The iPads go through it step by step though so you don’t possibly miss anything. 

You can also pay for your order at the iPad with your credit card. Cash or gift cards must pay at the register. 

Crepe Menu at iDessert - San Diego, CA

They also have crepes if the other desserts don’t strike your fancy.

For T and I, we both got the meringue shells filled with cake and gelato. These are the featured desserts that make everyone go “oohhhh” and “ahhhh, what the heck is that?!” Our bowls were both “Vegas” style for that extra dramatic flair. 

Here’s a little video of our desserts coming out:

I was amused that other people were taking video/photographs of our dessert. The “Vegas” bowl is $1.50 extra for fancy presentation and I think it’s worth it at least once!

Desserts at iDessert - San Diego, CA

You can still seems some wisps of the dry ice floating around our fancy desserts. 

Rock n Roll with Rock Star Bowl at iDessert - San Diego, CA

For T, I got him the Rock N’ Roll [$9.45] which is a Chef’s Favorite. 

iDessert - San Diego, CA

The Rock N’ Roll has a strawberry meringue shell filled with pistachio gelato, strawberry cream, lemon cake on the bottom, a blueberry compote and a squeezer full of berry sauce. The berries had a little tartness to them that offset some of the sweetness of the other elements. The pistachio was creamy and delicious. I quite enjoyed the light, crunchy meringue shell as well. It’s crisp and airy and gives a nice bit of texture to the dessert. I preferred my own dessert and T preferred his so it worked out for the both of us.  

iDessert - San Diego, CA

Here’s my custom creation! I didn’t really go crazy here on the flavors. The meringue shell is hazelnut and it’s topped with caramelized hazelnuts (sounds boring but it was delectable). 

iDessert - San Diego, CA

On the inside I had vanilla gelato with vanilla cream. They give you a special spoon that has a pointy end on it. You use that end to stab stab stab! break your dessert open.

iDessert - San Diego, CA

And on the bottom – chocolate cake and my squeezy sauce was full of peanut butter. All simple flavors for me, but all together it went really well. I love the nuttiness of the hazelnuts, the creamy vanilla gelato and sauce, the bit of rich chocolate cake – it was so good! The textures and flavors were wonderful and quite frankly, I could see myself just ordering this exact same thing again (minus the fancy dry ice). 

The base price for this dessert is $4.95, which nets you the shell, gelato, and cream. Everything else is an upcharge of $1 each item (cake, squeezy sauce, fruit, or crunch).

Mango Crepe with Coconut Gelato at iDessert - San Diego, CA

We had enough on the gift cards for one more dessert so I decided to get the Exotic crepe [$11.50]. The crepe is made fresh and then filled with mango compote and served with a side of coconut gelato. By the time I got around to try this, the coconut gelato had started melting and overflowing out of the tiny cup it was in. Oops. 

I’m not sure what it was, but I didn’t dig this dessert. The mango was just… ehhhh. I prefer fresh chunks of mango compared to this compote sauce. The crepe itself was just okay. It didn’t feel special after trying our meringue desserts which were both the real winners that day. I’d pass on getting a crepe again and just go for the other dessert.  

iDessert - San Diego, CA

I couldn’t resist getting SOMETHING to go at iDessert and I chose to try those cornflake things I saw. I got the one with the three mixed flavors of dark chocolate, milk chocolate and…. white chocolate or glaze? If it is white chocolate it’s light coating of it! 

iDessert - San Diego, CA

This is like the fanciest corn flake dessert I’ve ever tried. It’s like eating a breakfast dessert. You can taste the corn flake flavor and mixed with the chocolate, it’s like a little cornflake truffle. Crunchy and sweet, it’s the perfect little pick me up bite! 

Overall I quite enjoyed our treats at iDessert. They’re unique and fun to eat – and even fun to order! It’s eye catching, too. We saw so many people stop by, walk in and go “what is this place??” 

1608 India Street Suite 104
San Diego, CA 92101

6 thoughts on “Fancy Treats at iDessert

    1. The desserts are cool looking AND they taste good 😀 It’s in Little Italy, so I won’t lie to you – parking kind of blows. We usually have to park a few blocks away on a side street. Parking it a little easier if you go north of Little Italy. We found a guy that drives a golf cart with ads all over the cart that gives free rides for an easy way to get back to the car. You just have to tip him!

  1. I remember when you first wanted to go here and they were closed. Those desserts look super sweet. You’re right about parking in Little Italy…like downtown San Diego, I try to avoid it. Or maybe I need to find that golf cart dude!

    1. The desserts look really sweet, but it was actually a good balance. I didn’t feel like I was going into sugar shock afterwards which was good. That golf cart ride was SWEET!

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