the cravory cookies / point loma – san diego, ca

A couple of weeks ago, after we got one of those burgers we had during Burger Week, Jake, S and I went over to Sunset Cliffs for a spell.


It’s so gorgeous and pretty here, even though the cliffs freak me out.

I say that I have a fear of heights, but really, I think I have a fear of falling. Falling off of things, especially high things. I won’t even go up a ladder since I’m totally afraid of falling off of it. I tried to roller skate once, I fell almost immediately and quit once my butt hit the pavement. I’m totally a wimp.

Jake tried really hard to get me to go down the cliffs below, closer to the water, but I started protesting quite loudly… He gave me that look, that “why can’t you face this fear already and get over it look” but sorry. Nope. Still not budging on that one. Don’t think it’s gonna happen. The falling thing and the water thing are hard to let go of.


While Jake and S traipsed below, I stayed safely above and took a few photos. I totally dug this guy FISHING right next to the cliffs. Crazy pants if you ask me.

After ocean watching, we did a little geocaching before we headed to get a little dessert. In the form of cookies.


The Cravory has finally opened their very first brick and mortar location. Previously you could only get Cravory Cookies at local Farmer’s Markets or by ordering online from The Cravory’s website. I wrote about them previously in 2010 (on my birthday!) when I had a Groupon and visited them at the Farmer’s Market in Hillcrest. I’d seen some buzz about their shop opening up so was pretty excited to go in and visit them. They are located in Point Loma, but I really still think of the area as Sports Arena. It’s in the shopping center at the corner of where Sports Arena Blvd. turns into West Point Loma Blvd., at Midway Drive (there’s a taco shop on the corner called “It’s a Taco Shop!” which always makes me giggle).


Once you step inside, there’s this pretty white curio cabinet displaying the cookies in an uber fancy way.


This is the Cravory’s current menu (well, current as of two weeks ago). Once they run out of something, they remove it from the board. I don’t know if anyone really looks at this though when you look at the display case instead.


This is what your eyes are really drawn to – the cookie display case! Samples are offered for whatever cookie you’d like to try – which is really awesome. Jake, S and I had a few samples before making our final decisions. They had a few St. Patrick’s Day themed cookies for the upcoming holiday.


Once you make your selections, the person helping you grabs them from these drawers and packages your order right up. We ended up getting three cookies to share (though we just let S have his whole cookie and Jake and I shared the other two).


[salted caramel cream cookie – $2]

This was one of the cookies I selected to sample. I loved the sprinkle of salt on top and the flavor of the caramel throughout the cookie. There’s vanilla chips in the cookie which I think made it a little too sweet for me in the end – I think I would have liked a ribbon of caramel instead with the sea salt. The cookie was very soft and tender with a slight chew but holds up to it’s own weight – it doesn’t crumble easily.


[mint chocolate truffle – $2]

This is S’s choice. He loves mint stuff (and chocolate stuff) so I wasn’t surprised that he ordered this. You can see a tiny speck of green on the left there. This is a rich, chocolaty, dense cookie. I love the contrast of the white powdered sugar with the darkness of the chocolate cookie.


[lemon bar – $2]

Jake suggested we get this one and I was glad since it turned out to be my favorite of the three! It’s an intense lemon cookie packed with a TON of lemon flavor. It’s sweet but also tart and I loved the combination and balance between the sweet and the tart. The tartness helped to make it a little less sweet which I appreciated after the caramel cookie. The flavor in this one really popped and I liked the powdered sugar again on the outside. This also has vanilla chips in it to break up a bit of the lemon flavor, which complimented the cookie nicely.


Our weekend ended with a little walk at a beach in Coronado where we sort of caught the sunset. The sun set right behind the point so we couldn’t really see it… but we did see this violently pretty streak of pinks and oranges. It was a nice quick little walk and the end to another beautiful weekend in San Diego.

The Cravory
3960 W. Point Loma Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92110

5 thoughts on “the cravory cookies / point loma – san diego, ca

  1. I always get the birthday cake and lemon bar one but will have to try the mint chocolate truffle it looks soo chocolate-y! Did you try any of their weirder ones? I’ve tried ones that have rosemary, balsamic vinegar or bacon in them and even though they’re interesting don’t think they are as tasty.

    1. Hi JS – I have tried the “weird” ones but I would totally rather eat the normal cookies, haha. I think I tried one with balsamic but wasn’t really into it. I’d rather have boring chocolate chip or something with peanut butter!

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