not a real post

This isn’t a real post. I know it looks like a real post, but it isn’t.


I intended to do another full post for today, but now I’m tired and it’s late and I don’t want to.

Instead, I leave you with this shot of San Diego from above Shelter Island.

We sure do live in a pretty city, don’t we? I sometimes forget how beautiful it is sometimes.

Jake and I are planning on doing some pumpkin carving this weekend! I’ll share our pumpkins next week, okay? What will you be up to? Whatever is it, I hope you have a good weekend!

7 thoughts on “not a real post

  1. Haha don’t we all have those days when “real posts” are just too much work? 😛 Beautiful shot! Can’t wait to see your pumpkin carvings 😀

    1. Hi Jinxi – OMG, yeah, I just was not feeling it last night. But I kind of felt like I had to write *something* haha. I have no idea what I’m going to do for my pumpkin yet. I should probably think about that…

  2. Weird, I thought I posted a comment. It must be lost in cyberspace. In any case, I’ll comment again. Just want to tell you that your photo of San Diego is beautiful! Where were you when you took that shot? A hill in Point Loma?

    Bert and TC (but not me, haha) will carve our pumpkins a few days before Halloween. Not sure what designs yet though.

    Hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend so far.

    1. Hi CC! I guess your note did get lost in cyberspace. Weird! The photo *is* from a hill in Point Loma! Good guess 🙂 We had been driving around Cabrillo and then starting wandering through the neighborhood that’s above the yacht club. Jake just kept driving around until we found a spot with that beautiful view. A gentlemen who lived there told us that on Fourth of July people just flock there and camp out on the street to watch the fireworks above the bay. I’m not sure what street we were on exactly since we were randomly driving around.

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