auntie em’s kitchen / eagle rock – los angeles, ca

Many moons ago when Alyssa first moved up to the Los Angeles area, one of the first places we ever went to was Auntie Em’s Kitchen in Eagle Rock. I wrote about it on my old personal blog, marking it as probably one of the first food related blog posts I ever made. And of course I took bad cell phone photos and only photographed my cupcake. Ho hum.

When I went to visit Alyssa again recently, we went to Auntie Em’s Kitchen again simply because it is totally delicious and I hadn’t been in a long time. I decided to not get what I got the last time (the Open Faced Grilled Steak Breakfast Sandwich), though the desire was strong to relive the glory of that dish. Instead I opted for Biscuits and Gravy on this go around.

I should actually say though that is it “Biscuit” and gravy, since it was one oversize biscuit in a bowlful of delicious gravy. I have no idea why I decided I needed eggs with this dish as well. Probably because I didn’t know just how large it would be.

Yes, my food was drowning in sweet, sweet sausage gravy. I was not able to eat much more of this, but it was so very good. The biscuit was nice and crumbly and cooked all of the way through, even though it was a massive sized biscuit. The gravy had a good flavor with nice chunks of sausage all over it. Drowning the biscuit didn’t make it too soggy, either, which I was slightly afraid of. Awesome.

Alyssa had some kind of massive breakfast sandwich, too, but I don’t even remember what it was. I must have been glamoured by my breakfast since I wasn’t able to remember anything else. Alyssa might be nice and comment what it was if she remembers.

We also got mini cupcakes and I got a huge oatmeal cream pie, but did I take a picture of those? Nope, I sure didn’t. But let me tell you, if you are there and you see the oatmeal cream pie, YOU SHOULD GET IT. It was moist. It was creamy. It has a ton of cream filling. It wasn’t overly sweet. It was perfect. I wish I had another one. Sigh.

Auntie Em’s Kitchen
4616 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041

Auntie Em's Kitchen on Urbanspoon

2 thoughts on “auntie em’s kitchen / eagle rock – los angeles, ca

  1. Funny! Auntie Em’s was my first experience to the Los Angeles cupcake “scene” several years ago and maybe my first true food blog post.

    I had to look closer at the biscuit and gravy photo to see how big it truly was. It was only until further along the post did I realize how big the sandwich was in proportion to your friend’s arms. I need to revisit and maybe try one of their infamous meals.

  2. That is funny, Darlene! I think Auntie Em’s will become a staple for future visits. Or at least, getting some kind of baked goods from there. So. Tasty!

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