sicilian thing pizza / north park | san diego, ca

It was a Saturday night and I was spending the weekend at Jake’s again. The kitchen was a mess, the sink was full of dirty dishes, and I was in no mood to cook or clean. I hopped online and started doing a search for pizza near his zip code and a name caught my eye, “Sicilian Thing Pizza”. “Kind of a weird name for a pizza place,” I thought to myself. I looked at the website and saw “sicilian square thick pizza” and I thought, “This I gotta try.” It’s not too far from where Jake lives so I called up and placed an order and off we flew to pick up the pizza. Parking in North Park is a pain so Jake waited in the alley next to the pizza shop while I ran in and got the pizza.

I kept it simple with just one topping of sausage ($15.50 – starts at $14.00, toppings are $1.50 a piece). The pizza is super thick and crusty, baked to a nice golden brown. The pizza had just popped out of the oven so the cheese was in that perfect melty stage.

The crust is my favorite part of most pizza. If it’s thin, I generally don’t like it. This was perfect for me – it was almost like eating a saucy, thick bread. It sure beat ordering Little Ceasar’s or getting some other cheap $5 pizza.

They also sell pizza by the slice in the shop, if you’re not in the mood for ordering a whole pizza. We took it home and chomped happily on the pizza while watching a movie, perfectly content with delicious pizza inside of our tummies.

Sicilian Thing Pizza
4046 30th Street (in between Polk Ave and Lincoln Ave)
San Diego, CA
(619) 282-3000

Sicilian Thing Pizza on Urbanspoon

One thought on “sicilian thing pizza / north park | san diego, ca

  1. That Sicilian looks good. I agree about the crust, I generally prefer a hand tossed style, or even deep dish if it’s not too deep.

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