
Hello there! This Tasty Life is written by Mary Desjean.

This blog is a creative outlet for me and my need/desire to write. With a journalism degree in my back pocket, I wanted a fun way to express myself and got into food blogging one day when my friend, Alyssa and I started photographing all of the food we ate. By day, I am a front end web developer and in my off-time I like to bake, cook, and explore new foods! My boyfriend, Jake, is heavily featured in my posts. His kids sometimes make an appearance as well as my friends and co-workers. I write the way I talk, freely and openly with a bit of humor and snark. I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures in San Diego!

Want to know a little more?

likes: peanut butter, chocolate, the sound of the rain, indie music, driving with the windows down, puppies, things that are green, cooking for others, baking and giving away most of the things i make, experimenting with recipes, figuring out problems, reading good books, sunsets, the smell of baking cookies, the smell of the ocean, hugs from my dog, bear hugs, little things that amuse me, kindness, dry humor, firefly, joss whedon

dislikes: raisins, pickled anything, traffic jams, people who talk just to hear the sound of their own voice, brussell sprouts, cooked spinach (though uncooked is fine), most country and rap music, dry writing (ie: steinbeck), things on high shelves, awkward silences, bugs that crawl on me, walking into spiderwebs, when my gas light comes on, anything that makes me anxious, being underwater, tootsie rolls


You can email me at maryd at theplainjane.com (remove the spaces). I accept proposals, advertising inquiries, product review and restaurant review inquiries and more. Just contact me and we can discuss it!

You can also download my media kit (updated August 2014).

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello.
    I am interested in writing a guest post for your blog. Are you currently accepting guest posts?

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