culture brewing co + newport pizza

Last month I actually went out for beer. I know, right? That’s weird! But it was to support my friend Frank’s (aka Stacey’s boyfriend) art show AND to support puppies (The Southern California German Shepherd Rescue) so I figured that was a good reason to go have beer. The event was over at Culture Brewing Co in Ocean Beach and they featured a bunch of Frank’s awesome art for the month. This particular art show all showcased sketches of places around Ocean Beach. Here’s some of Frank’s art:





There was a ton more stuff of the pier and other places around Ocean Beach. Check out more of Frank’s work over at his website Rudy McBacon (it’s a comic book he writes about a baseball player named Rudy McBacon). 


Culture Brewing Co doesn’t serve any food inside so it’s dog friendly, which meant that Maya could come and tag along with me. There aren’t too many places where your dog is allowed so it’s really cool to find a place like this. You can get food delivered to you here from Newport Pizza down the street (see below) or from OB Warehouse (which is just upstairs).


Beer menu.

Hefeweizen - Culture Brewing Co in Ocean Beach

I had one taster because that’s really all I’m able to drink and still be able to comfortably drive myself later. I choose the Hefeweizen. If I’m trying new beer the Hefeweizen is usually my go-to pick since it’s light and a bit citrus-y.

Hefeweizen - Culture Brewing Co in Ocean Beach

I liked this one. That’s about all I have to say about it. Sorry.

Maya sniffs my beer - Culture Brewing Co in Ocean Beach

Maya only gave it one whiff and determined it was not puppy food.


They had a few german shepherd’s there at the event who I didn’t get a photo of, actually, but I did spy these two guys:

Dog friendly bar - Culture Brewing Co in Ocean Beach


Maya tried to sniff one from the safety of the table. I always forget how little she is. 


Maya doesn’t want you to see the full menu of treats available, but here’s most of the menu. If you want to order anything, you just have to call up and they’ll deliver it down to you from OB Warehouse. I didn’t try any of these – maybe next time! 


Stacey ordered a pizza from Newport Pizza. IT TOOK FOREVER. She assured me it doesn’t ever normally take that long. I started to get suspicious that this mystical pizza would ever arrive.


This pizza has stuff on it that I don’t like, so I had a little pile of olives and pepperoni in front of me while I ate my slice. Stacey told me later this wasn’t the best because the good baker didn’t make it so apparently I have to go back and try it “for reals” later. I remember it just being okay and that I was hungry enough to just shove it into my mouth but that I wasn’t otherwise impressed. I’ll just trust Stacey on that one and go back with her to visit another time. 

There was a really cute husky who came into the bar that we all fell in love with and Maya was clearly jealous of. The husky did tricks for pizza bites and would roll over or catch food from you. Maya seemed quite distraught that everyone was paying attention to the husky instead of her, so I had to cuddle her and assure her that yes, she is my very favorite dog ever and that the husky had nothing on her. Poor Maya isn’t used to sharing the attention.

If you are into beer and dogs then I definitely recommend going to check out Culture Brewing Co! 

Culture Brewing Co
4845 Newport Avenue
Ocean Beach, CA 92107

8 thoughts on “culture brewing co + newport pizza

  1. OMG. Your comment about the beer was priceless. “I liked this one. That’s about all I have to say about it.” That would be totally me.

    The pizza looks sad for some reason. The crust looks a bit supermarket frozen pizza-ish. And can I just say that I’m happy that there’s at least ONE other person out there who doesn’t like olives and pepperoni.

    Finally, I read ‘husky’ as ‘some handsome dude’ 🙂

    1. Haha… and that’s why this is a food blog and NOT a beer blog! I mean, besides the fact that I’m not really into beer. 🙂

      The pizza was kind of sad. And partially cold. Olives and pepperoni are the worst toppings ever if you ask me. I’d rather just have cheese 🙂

      Hahaha… I re-read what I wrote and I could SEE how maybe it could be some cute guy… you know, until you get to the part about doing tricks for pizza…

  2. i love the first maya pic! also, i tried lots of items from OB warehouse which were pretty good. and just like faye, i initially read that as a cute guy coming in… we read what we want to read! =D

    1. Hi Lynn! Thanks! I’ll definitely have to go check out the food at OB Warehouse then. Haha, that’s funny you both read it that way.

  3. Hey Mary! Great article, thanks for the plug! That was a fun night! I’m sad your Newport Pizza experience was a bad one, that place is one of Stacey’s and my favorites. As far as the OB Warehouse goes, I had the chipotle chicken flatbread once, it was darn good. I did not read the “husky” as being some dashing dude. Of course, I was there and remember that shameless dog rolling over for pizza crusts. Maya has much more dignity.

    1. Hi Frank! Stacey has assured me that my particular Newport experience was sub par and that I need to come another night for the real experience. Which, if I’m lucky, will occur in the year 2015. Maybe you didn’t think of husky as a dashing, cool, hip dude because you’re a dude yourself… or because you were there. Who knows. Maya appreciates your loyalty to her to very much (as she snoozes on my bed, on top of my clothes, in the most dignified way possible).

  4. I would probably like the porters and the stouts. I am not into the hoppy beers at all. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I also like the fruity beers too. Pizza and beer – classic combination! Awww, your dog is so cute!

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