cherry street coffee house and the sound view cafe / seattle, wa

Alyssa and I have known each other since high school, though we did not really become friends until we were both in college about 2 years later. We’ve gone through thick and thin together, through many dating disasters and ex-boyfriends, among other things. When Alyssa told us that she was having a very small destination wedding in Seattle, I knew we were Seattle-bound. I visited Seattle once a few years ago with an ex-boyfriend so it was nice to forge some new memories here and try out some Seattle foods.

I took Friday off from work and flew in on a Friday afternoon. I got in about an hour before Stacey and Frank were to arrive. We were sharing a room together and I wanted us to check in together. I hopped onto the Seattle Light Rail and sped off towards the city, watching many green trees unfold before me on the way.

Here are some other bad photos from the train:

Reflections in photos is totally the best.

I killed my hour alone at this little coffee shop called Cherry Street Coffee House. I sat in a little booth and read my book (In the Woods by Tara French), thinking, “Should I have brought a sweater? It’s a little chilly.”

I got a day old cookie and a some kind of mocha. I got the whipped cream so you can’t see the pretty little pattern that was in the coffee. Boo on me. Tasty and affordable and a nice little spot to kill a little time.

I also saw some pretty sunflowers.

And police on horseback.

After Stacey and Frank arrived and we checked in, we wandered around Seattle for a bit. We wanted dinner and wasn’t sure what to get, so we just walked up a few blocks. Mostly we saw Asian food. We did not seem to be in the mood for Asian food, so we kept walking. Eventually we made it to the Public Market. Surely there must be food at the Market, right? Friday evening after 7PM apparently is very late, since almost everything in the Public Market was closed for the night. How sad! We did find one place though that was open, much to our enjoyment and starving bellies: The Sound View Cafe.

It’s on the topmost level, not too far from the lucky pig and where they throw the fish around. It was pretty much the only thing open so we hopped in, sat near the windows, and ordered some food and drinks.

I think Stacey had the “Dick Danger Ale” and that Frank had the “Moose” related one. I don’t remember. I do remember they both thought the “Dick Danger Ale” was better than the Moose one. I just thought the names were amusing.

We had a pretty, pretty sunset view from our table. There weren’t very many of us inside this small cafe and we enjoyed the view and quiet company.

I ordered the Mushroom Ravioli. Oh boy. These were super tasty. Very flavorful, lots and lots of mushroom stuffing inside of each ravioli and they were in a simple butter/cheese sauce with some veggies (broccoli and a few tomatoes). I thought these mushrooms were divine. I used my bread to mop up the rest of the sauce when I was done, too. Mighty tasty for simple ingredients.

After dinner it was dusk. We wandered back towards the hotel.

We stopped and got some fine quality, “Mountain Fresh Brew” Rainier beer to drink in the room for a bit. Ohhh yeah.

We also met up with Alyssa and crew downstairs at the Bookstore Bar. I liked this bar. There were lots and lots of books on the shelves. And I didn’t have to walk far to get here. I was very tired from traveling and all. I don’t think I actually had any drinks besides my wonderful Rainier beer. I almost drank that whole thing, too. Ugh.

Next up: wedding foods!

2 thoughts on “cherry street coffee house and the sound view cafe / seattle, wa

  1. hi there! great photos of seattle! love them, especially the sunset photo and the ones fromthe train.

    i see you got some ‘Vitamin R” (Charlie Swan would approve). And, hmmm, mushroom ravioli too! 🙂 I had to throw in a Twilight reference!

  2. hahah, oh man, as a Twilight fan I will fess up that I never noticed what kind of beer Charlie drank. You’re more hardcore than I am. All I have to say is that it was slightly better than Budweiser? Is that a compliment? I don’t know.

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