manny’s tj tacos – update / normal heights | san diego, ca

I went to Manny’s TJ Tacos again last night to try the TJ style hot dog and to confirm their times. We got there just after 8PM and the sign was outside, but there was no set up outside yet. We popped into the Corner Market and found that they had just started setting up. They told us they start setting up at 8PM (not 7PM like it’s listed on Yelp). We had to wait for a little bit while they set up, but we didn’t mind. We got our first tacos around 8:30PM and that’s when the line started forming behind us.

This time we tried the TJ style (bacon wrapped) hot dogs ($3.50).You can’t really tell from my crappy cell phone picture, but this all beef hot dog was HUGE, thick, and crisp. The bacon was nice and crisp, too, and you almost got like a crisp crunch after each bite. I got mine with grilled onions (grilled peppers also available) and topped mine with a tiny bit of mayo, ketchup and a bunch of mustard (my favorite hot dog topping). These hot dogs are brought in from Los Angeles and they buy all of their own stuff. They cook behind the deli counter in the market, but they don’t use any of the products sold in the market. These are much bigger (and in my opinion, tastier) then the ones you can get at Lucha Libre.

There you have it – it’s best to get here a little after 8PM if you’re planning on getting a few tacos before wandering around to one of the local bars.

Manny’s TJ Tacos
3350 Adams Ave
(between Felton St & 34th St)
San Diego, CA 92116

4 thoughts on “manny’s tj tacos – update / normal heights | san diego, ca

  1. outside a lot of clubs or bars in la (i’m sure sd too), you’ll often find vendors of the tj style hot dog, or as some of us like to call them “dirty dogs.” this has been something i’ve been wanting to try for quite a while but only as a post drinking treat. i was i koreatown last weekend and saw someone making it but all that nasty soju gave me a stomache and i had to take a pass. darnit…livin vicariously through your post, but i’ll have it soon enough!

  2. sawyer – i don’t usually ever crave hot dogs, but i would totally crave this particular one again in the future! even for $3.50, this was a monster of a hot dog. definitely try one when you get the chance!

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