After we ate yummy noodles at A&J Restaurant, we headed next door to Sunmerry Bakery. It’s a Taiwanese bakery similar to 85c Bakery.
Sunmerry Bakery isn’t a large shop but there were plenty of baked goods to look at!
They had a case full of pretty cakes.
And this refrigerated case of smaller cakes and cream puffs.
Lots of breads to choose from!
I wish I got a green onion bun to try in hindsight. It looks tasty!
A lot of these look similar to items I’m familiar with from 85c Bakery.
They had two kinds of egg tarts here – this was just called “egg tarts” and there was another tray that was labeled “Portuguese Egg Tarts”. I only grabbed these.
These cute little cakes had no label so I’m not sure what they are called.
There were a bunch of bags of bread with the tops open – they looked like they were freshly bagged!
This is part of what I grabbed. That thing on the left is a Taro bread. I also got a chicken bun bread thing that I gave to Jake, a bag of bread rolls, some blueberry scones for my mom, and a cookie bread thing (which I never took a photo of for some reason).
I ate this one in the car! The texture/flavor reminded me of angel food cake. It was quite light and airy with a just a bit of sweetness.
In the middle of the little cake was some tasty vanilla pastry cream. Yum!
Jake got a milk tea with taro balls and half sugar. It was not bad but not my favorite milk tea ever. The flavor was okay. The taro balls tasted a bit different from the boba we’re used to – they were much smaller and had a different chew/flavor.
I took this gigantic chocolate croissant that I got from Sunmerry Bakery with me to work the following day. Maybe it was because I waited a day to eat it but it tasted pretty dried out. It didn’t have the flaky, buttery layers I was hoping for. There was a pretty good amount of chocolate though so it gets a few brownie points for that! It kind of felt like having dessert for breakfast.
I shared the egg tarts with my co-workers and we all agreed that the egg tarts were underbaked. The shell was pretty soft (I know it was the next day that I ate it but it seemed EXTRA soft, like “I wasn’t baked enough” soft) and the egg tart itself was just okay. I wouldn’t want to eat them from here again, sadly.
I used one of the bread rolls I got for some sliders later in the week and that bread was really good. Soft and buttery! Jake totally ADORED the chicken bread thing I got for him and I was sad I didn’t get to try it – but I was happy that he loved it. I was overall unimpressed with the items we got but if Jake liked the savory bread that much I’d go back just to try one. Maybe I just got all the wrong things!
Sunmerry Bakery (FB)
14805 Jeffrey Rd E
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 398-8066
Boo, dry croissants suck. The angel cake food cake thing looked good though. Cool to know there is another Asian bakery out there. I wish we still had Pangea in San Diego.
Hi CC – Yeah… dry croissants are a bummer. I bet there are more bakeries in the OC/LA area, just gotta find them 🙂 I remember going to Pangea, too!