[recipe] strawberry shortcake scones with coconut cream glaze

Strawberry Shortcake Scones with Coconut Cream Glaze

National Strawberry Shortcake Day is tomorrow and is totally a thing, you guys. I only know of it because I was told about it but I feel like every day should celebrate a different dessert. I wonder if there’s a Coconut Cream Pie day or a Peanut Butter Pie day or a Chocolate Covered Strawberry day. Do these other things exist?? I’m too lazy to Google them right now.

Driscolls Strawberries

Like I said – I was told all about National Strawberry Shortcake Day. I was offered a gift card and some coupons for Driscoll’s berries and asked for my take on Strawberry Shortcake Day. And here it is, in the form of heart shaped strawberry scones!


Hearts are NOT just for Valentine’s Day, okay? It can be for any day. It can be a “just because” thing. Just because I felt like hearts!

Fresh bowl of strawberries

I wasn’t sure what exactly what I was going to do for this post. All I knew is I had these beautiful strawberries. For some reason strawberry scones seemed like a great idea. I hadn’t made scones in a long time and I didn’t want a sponge cake or a biscuit like in normal shortcake. I wanted something a little different.

Let’s get to baking!

  Grating cold butter

I read this trick about freezing the butter and then using a grater to get into finer pieces.

Butter that looks like cheese!

Having the butter shredded like this (doesn’t it look like cheese??) makes it easier to break it up into pea sized crumbs in the flour.

Tiny pea sized butter crumbs

See? Pea sized crumbs. It took a lot less time with my pastry blender to get it down to this size. If you’re not all fancy like me and have a pastry blender (I’m not really that fancy, Jake gave it to me from his hand-me-down kitchen utensils since he didn’t know what to do with it) you can just use a fork. Or use your hands if you’re not physically repulsed by touching things (I am not, for the record).

Strawberries in the mix

Then the strawberries and heavy cream are gently mixed in to form a dough.

Heart Shaped (Box) Dough

I think it looks pretty already!

The dough is kneaded gently until it all comes together and isn’t all bits and pieces. I rolled it out to 3/4″ thick. I have to use a ruler for that part. I can’t seem to eyeball height!

These are then put on a tray and then stuck in the oven to bake into glorious little strawberry scone creations.

Now for the Coconut Cream part!

coconut cream

My original intention was to use this coconut cream to make coconut whipped cream… but I messed that one up big time. You’re supposed to let it chill for a long time and THEN use it but uh… I didn’t do that. My cream never managed to whip up and stiffen because I did not let it chill long enough. I got impatient and so I got bad results. I’ll save that one to try again on a rainy day (or… “Mary is bored and wants to bake” day since we hardly get rain).

Strawberry Scones with Coconut Cream Glaze - looks like Strawberry Shortcake, kind of

Instead I ended up using the coconut cream to make a simple glaze with powdered sugar and glazed all of my strawberry scones. It had a nice coconut-y flavor without being too overpowering. It adds flair to the scones (and not the kind of flair from Office Space – the tasty kind of flair)!


The scones are only made with a 1/4 cup of sugar anyway, so the glaze sweetens them up a bit.


I made regular whipped cream and then stacked two scones together with a bunch of macerated strawberries in the middle. You could have this as dessert…. or breakfast. There’s fruit in it! It’s totally okay for breakfast. Hope you make this and try it out! Happy National Strawberry Shortcake-ish Day!

Strawberry Scones with Coconut Cream Glaze
  1. 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  2. 1 tablespoon baking powder
  3. 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  4. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  5. 6 tablespoons cold, unsalted butter
  6. 1 cup chopped, ripe strawberries
  7. 1 cup heavy cream
For the glaze
  1. 2-3 tablespoons coconut cream
  2. 1 cup powdered sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper (or use a silpat baking mat like I do).
  2. Mix together your flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add cold butter (you can use the trick of freezing your butter for about 15-20 minutes and grating it, or just cut it into tiny pieces and then mix it into the flour mixture) and cut it into the flour until it's in pea sized chunks and looks kind of crumbly. Add in the strawberries and toss them gently in with the flour mixture. Stir in heavy cream and mix it together until a dough forms. Be gentle at this point! You don't want to overmix this sucker - you want to handle it as little as possible until it forms a dough. Knead the dough a couple of times until it all comes together.
  3. On a well floured surface, dump your shiny new dough out. Put a little more flour on top and using a rolling pin get it to be 3/4" inches thickness. Use a floured biscuit cutter to cut out the scones. Transfer to your prepped baking sheet and bake for 12 to 15 minutes.
  4. To macerate strawberries: Clean and slice your strawberries and place into a bowl. Add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar on top and mix. Let sit for 20-30 minutes. It will create it's own liquid and be a little more sweet!
  5. To make coconut cream glaze: Mix together 1 cup of powdered sugar and add a tablespoon of coconut cream until it is the desired consistency. I like my glazes thick and tend to only put 2 or 3 tablespoons in. Mix and spread over each scone.
  6. Surely you know how to make whipped cream? Make some of that and add it with your scones. Yummy.
  1. I know the adapted link says these are biscuits but I made them sweeter with the glaze so I consider them to be scones! Biscuits to me are also a lot flakier/lighter than these.
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen
This Tasty Life https://food.theplainjane.com/
Disclaimer: I was given a Whole Foods gift card and coupons for Driscoll’s berries. All opinions, words, jargon, photos, etc. here are original and entirely from my own brain.

16 thoughts on “[recipe] strawberry shortcake scones with coconut cream glaze

  1. Those look pretty good! I never knew about grating frozen butter… I store extra butter in the freezer, so I guess I’m always ready to make biscuits!

    1. Thanks, Leanne! The butter trick made it a lot easier to mix the butter in! I guess you are always ready to make something!

    1. Coconut glaze need so much more love – so yummy! I’m determined to get that coconut whipped cream working in the future…

  2. These look and sound yummy! I have not made homemade scones. This sounds like the one to try for my first time out. Great tip on the butter, too! I also love how you just rolled with it when you realized your cream wasn’t whipping. I did the same thing with my strawberry shortcake semifreddo. The original recipe I created I planned on it being a sliceable semifreddo with a homemade shortbread crust. However, I made my crust too thick and I couldn’t slice it after it was frozen!!! LOL. Luckily, I had experimented with two different semifreddo’s at the same time so I scooped the second one for the photo and rewrote the recipe to use store-bought cookies. We gotta make it work, right?

    1. Hi Ani – Sometimes you just have to roll with it right?? I’m glad I’m not the only one. Glad you were able to make yours work, too! I saw your photo on Instagram, it looked beautifully delicious!

  3. Yum. I love strawberries and coconuts. Haha for a brief moment before I read that it was butter, I thought the thing you were grating was cheese. I was like, “Oh hmm…this is interesting..Cheese in the strawberry scone recipe!” lol. Clever! I am a total heart person too. I have hearts on my phone case, hearts on my mug, heart cookie cutters too, and a bunch of other things.

    1. Haha it did look like cheese to me! I know sometimes people do a slice of cheese on top of apple pie but I don’t get it. It sounds so weird! I just felt like hearts that day. I tried a flower cookie cutter, too, but it just looked like a blob.

        1. Cheese ice cream?? What kind of cheese did you guys use? I’m imagining like, American Cheese ice cream but I have no idea if that’s correct haha.

  4. Hahah, I totally noticed that the bowl said… “bowl”! So cute and obvious.

    These look like quite the lovely treat, and especially good for valentines or something! I might want it without the glaze (nothing against the coconut though) but may be worth trying it as is first!

    1. Heehee I got that bowl at Big Lots! It made me laugh so I bought it 🙂

      It’s not very sweet as is but that’s not a bad thing. Hope you get to try it!

  5. I thought it was like the Mean Girls of Bloggers week b/c everyone was posting stuff about strawberries and I felt like Lindsey Lohan wondering ‘I didn’t get any strawberry memo’. So sad. Hahaha! Now it makes sense. It was a busy week so I didn’t have time to look at the others posts so reading yours right now makes me feel like I’m not in the dork club.

    Such a great idea about the freezing the butter. I thought you were grating cheese too and agreed with Miss K like ‘oh um ok maybe cheese will work’. See. Dork club.

    I was bawling from laughing so hard when I saw the “Bowl” written on the, well, bowl. I feel it’s something I’d shove in Lifu’s face when I’m mad that he doesn’t understand something. Like ‘Lifu, THIS is a bowl. B.O.W.L. Do you understand’.

    Those long stem strawberries look so red and yummy. Way better than the cramped organic ones in the plastic container 🙂

    1. Hahah… it’s a conspiracy! They all got to us and we’re all posting about strawberries! Ahhhhh! Yeah, no, that wasn’t it. Someone is just good at PR and paying bloggers in groceries to do posts for them. Har har.

      I knew someone would look and think I was adding cheese to my dough hahah. Might not be a bad idea if I were making cheese scones/biscuits!

      I love my “bowl” bowl. It makes me chuckle every time I use it. I wish I had more, like, plates that said “plate”. But alas, I don’t. I just have the bowl.

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