revisit to woody’s burger / miramar – san diego, ca

I hadn’t visited Woody’s Burgers since last year when we had a uh… not so great experience with the food. I was recently invited to come back in and give Woody’s Burgers another shot – and I dragged my co-workers David and Matt along for the ride since they were with me during the first visit!


The menu looked to be about the same as our last visit.


These aren’t listed on the actual menu, but every table has this list of appetizers. I wonder why they don’t add it to the other side of the menu?


I ordered the tater tots. Because I like tater tots. These were fried just right with a nice crispy outer shell. Matt and David didn’t seem as impressed with these, preferring the fries instead. Maybe I just really like tater tots.


The fries were the same as last year – they have that extra outer coating like they used to do at Burger King. David gave me on Burger King french fry last week and that’s how I discovered they don’t do that extra coating thing anymore. Crazy french fry changes. I thought these were just okay.


Matt ordered the Sweet Potato Fries which came with a maple glaze. You can sort of see the glistening effect the glaze had on that one fry in the front. I wasn’t sure I’d be into these, but I actually really liked them. The had a good, slightly sweet flavor and the maple glaze helped enhance the taste without being overpowering.


I also ordered us a batch of BBQ wings which came later when we had already gotten our burgers. The wings weren’t bad, I thought they could have been a bit crispier but they had a good amount of meat on the wings. I did not dip my wings in ranch since they were covered in BBQ sauce and that just seemed totally weird.

We were all too overly concerned to re-order the onion rings like last year since they were total grease bombs. Too bad we didn’t – we should have compared! We’re chicken.


David got a plain old Cheeseburger. It was nice to see that the bun was toasted this time around. David actually enjoyed it this time around since the “phantom greasiness” we all experienced last year was not present for this visit.


Matt got the Jalapeno Burger this time around, which he also enjoyed. “I’d come back and pay money to dine here again,” he said. Considering we hadn’t been back since last year, that was indeed a high compliment. Those jalapenos look very largely cut to me. But I would never eat this. Nope, nope, nope!


I went for the Mushroom Burger which sounded so good to me that day. This comes with a mushroom, garlic and wine sauce on the bottom which made the bottom bun incredibly soggy. I like the sauce, I just thought there was too much of it and it pretty much just all dumped into my basket after a bite or two.

What I noticed is that the burgers were much more seasoned and more flavorful. The manager told us that it’s because they season the meat all the way through – not just on the top/bottom before cooking. This made for a very yummy and juicy burger but thankfully NOT as greasy as before. I really liked the mushrooms and flavors on this burger.


I ended up flipping the burger over so the soggy side was on top. This made it more appealing to me to eat since I didn’t have to feel that squishiness right away. I’d probably ask for less sauce on this to forgo the soggy bun – but if that kind of thing doesn’t bother you and you just want more flavor, then you’ll dig it!

All in all it was a much better experience than before. The phantom greasiness is gone (yay) and the burgers are much more flavorful now and I was super happy to see that the buns were getting toasted. Nice improvements and changes!

Woody’s Burgers
7070 Miramar Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121
(858) 695-9986

Disclaimer: I was invited to come in on behalf of the restaurant. Our meal was complimentary. I was not paid or further compensated for this post and all opinions stated are my own.

2 thoughts on “revisit to woody’s burger / miramar – san diego, ca

  1. I was dying reading your commentary about the tater tots. Can one DESCRIBE tater tots any better than your “I just really like tater tots”. There’s not much more right! Loves.

    I have yet to come here which is so odd b/c I used to frequent Miramar alot. Can’t believe Bollweeval used to be here. Sad. I remember them struggling too when they were there.

    The burgers looked nice (this time around). I wonder if they put extra attention to making them because they know you’ll be blogging about it? Regardless, the burgs look yummy. Do they give you the option of choosing how you want the patty prepared? Yours looks more med well?

    Glad this visit was more of a success.

    1. Hi Faye –
      I’m sure a little extra attention is given when they know I’ll be blogging about it. We’ll have to see if the keep up their new ways! I’m just glad it was super greasy like before. Haha, what else is there to say about regular old tater tots?? 🙂

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