Maintaining Control + a Visit to Temecula Wineries!

The first half of this post is about my current food journey. If you just want to read about my visit to some wineries, skip down below!

Maintaining Control

Last week, I lost my driver’s license at a nearby park. I made this discovery after I got home and immediately panic set in. Did I drop it in the car? Did I drop it outside? Did I drop it at the park?

I had to get ready for work, so I took a deep breath to calm myself. I rationalized that I couldn’t do anything about it right that minute and I would look for it in obvious places and drive by the park, too. If I couldn’t find it, then I would make a plan.

I didn’t find it in my car, or the driveway, or at the park. It was indeed gone. I secretly hoped someone would stop by and drop it off, but that didn’t happen, either. I then decided that I would use this opportunity to get a Real ID and I still had my passport to prove my age and identity, which I needed since we were going wine tasting the upcoming weekend.

But I didn’t freak out and I didn’t let this ruin my day or control my food cravings.

Normally I would get really anxious about losing my license. I’d overthink about it and think of all of the negative consequences of losing my license and I would let that incident control me and I’d probably binge on chocolate and salty snacks to make myself feel better and beat myself up for losing it in the first place. But I made a plan to resolve it. I decided it was okay. I had backups. I could get a temporary license. This was the perfect opportunity to get the Real ID. I didn’t let myself be overcome by this little thing and have it ruin my day and control me emotionally.

I told Katelyn, my health coach, about all this and she pointed out to me that this was, in fact, A BIG DEAL. I didn’t really think of it that way but later on I realized that it was. I didn’t let my emotions get out of control to the point where I would start eating everything in sight to make myself feel better. Instead I controlled my feelings, made a solid plan and thought it through, and had a regular old day.

It felt so freeing and powerful to NOT let outside things control me. It made me realize that I CAN DO THIS. That the only way that outside things control you is if you GIVE YOUR CONTROL AWAY.

It seems like such an easy thing to learn and realize. Like… why haven’t I figured this out already? I think it’s because I just got so used to letting emotions and food control me day by day and I needed help putting those pieces together.

[this inspirational message seemed perfect for this post!]

The morning that I lost my license, I was listening to the Bridechilla Podcast about letting go of Perfectionism. It seemed so great that was what I listened to do that day because the doctor that was gave some great examples of all or nothing thinking, and how clients of his let objects control them to attain this idea of perfectionism they had built up in their mind. It helped me to not let what happened overcome me or control me which was so helpful to me that day.

A few days later I went to the DMV and had anxiety just being there (I mean, who doesn’t? Long lines, long wait, do I have all of the right paperwork? I don’t want to come back…. these thoughts were all running through my head!). After being at the DMV for two hours I really, really, really wanted some chocolate or something sweet – but I realized it was just my emotions running and wanting that “quick fix” to make myself feel better, but I realized it probably wouldn’t really make me feel better. I drove back to work, drank a bunch of water, then had the lunch I brought from home and I was fine. Isn’t it crazy how just changing your mindset can change so much??

The funny thing that happened was that the day I went to the DMV for my temporary license and Real ID, I received my license in the mail. Someone found it and mailed it back to me! I thought that was so nice and thought it was so ironic that I had already gone and gotten my replacement. But it worked out since I could use my license for my wine weekend with my friends and bridesmaids!

A Visit to Wilson Creek and Bel Vino Wineries in Temecula

The five us girls + Jake went up to Temecula last weekend to pick out wines for our wedding! Jake’s sister, Amy, is a member of some of the wine clubs up here and told us we should pick out wines from the places she is a member at. Amy was even nice enough to meet us and get our tastings for us. Our first stop was at Wilson Creek Winery.

I think I sampled like, one red wine, because really I only like white wines. At Wilson Creek they also have a few flavored sparkling wines with flavors like Tahitian Vanilla, Orange Mimosa, Almond (the #1 seller), Watermelon, and more. I tried a few of them since everyone got various glasses of wine but none of the flavored ones really struck a chord with me. 

My hands down favorites was the VS White Cabernet. They have a still and sparkling version but I liked the still a bit more. I tried some of the sweeter ones as well but this was still my favorite. I used to only drink moscatos and really sweet dessert wines, but since going on that sugar detox I don’t like things that are quite as sweet anymore. This wine had a great balance and will definitely be at our wedding next year! 

Blurry selfie with Jake since I was already wine buzzed.


Our second and last stop (because I just can’t drink that much) was Bel Vino Winery.

None of the wines really struck my fancy at Bel Vino but I did like the bubblies! I tried the Strawberry which I thought would be great for anyone who isn’t much of a wine drinker but still wants a glass to celebrate and toast with. Alyssa had the Peach Mango which also had a nice flavor and was a bit less bubbly than that strawberry. I’ll have to think about which of those two I prefer, but I’m leaning towards the strawberry.

At Bel Vino they had a little shop with all kinds of knick knacks and signs and someone found this Mr and Mrs sign that Jake and I posed with! We’ve got 6 and a half months left to go! 

2 thoughts on “Maintaining Control + a Visit to Temecula Wineries!

  1. I gotta renew my DL ASAP and will try to do the Real ID thing at the same time. I’m not thrilled about waits though! Glad everything worked out for you! The winery sounds like a fun day. Interesting how your tastes change when your diet changes! Only a few more months until you’re a Mrs! =)

    1. I had to renew my license last year but didn’t have enough time to go to the DMV since we were flying to Hawaii. The wait wasn’t too bad since I went before opening. Tastebuds have really changed with the sugar detox this time!

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