the tasty things in life: pat & oscar breadsticks

This week’s tasty thing in life are those crazy good breadsticks from Pat & Oscar’s.

I feel like they put some kind of addictive chemical into these breadsticks. Otherwise, why would I crave them so much? The thing about it is that I don’t even like the other food at Pat & Oscar’s. And I’ve tried just about everything on the menu. The breadsticks keep me coming back and usually I’ll just get a petite greek salad and some breadsticks and call it a day. I will from time to time get the small pizza but then I don’t ever eat the whole thing and then feel bad for eating so many carbs. I’d rather save myself for the breadsticks.

Am I crazy or are the breadsticks the only really good item at Pat & Oscar’s?

6 thoughts on “the tasty things in life: pat & oscar breadsticks

  1. Hint: I usually only get two for myself when I’m near a Pat & Oscars to reduce my carb intake. They pity me so much for getting only two, they usually give it to me for free.

  2. i actually like their greed salad as well, minue the beets. salad and breadsticks is good enough for me!

  3. Those breadsticks are sprinkled with crack, not salt! I do like their greek salad… but it’s really all about the breadsticks.

  4. We don’t go to Pat & Oscar’s as much as we used to. The food doesn’t seem as good, although the breadsticks are still yummy (but smaller). My daughter’s school sells the breadsticks as a fundraiser, and they’re a best seller.

    It’s that combo of grease and salt that’s addictive!

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