Sweet Daily Cafe / Riverside, CA

We stopped for dessert at a place called Sweet Daily Cafe. But first… touristy stuff! After we ate pupusas in San Bernardino, we drove a short way to see a kooky roadside attraction: The World’s Largest Paper Cup.

The World’s Largest Paper Cup

The “paper” cup used to be in front of the Lily-Tulip manufacturing company – originally called The Lily Tulip Paper Cup company and then acquired by the Sweetheart Cup Company. The Sweetheart Cup Company made paper and plastic cups and was acquired by the Solo Cup Company in 2004. This large cup used to have the logo for the Sweetheart Cup Company. In later years the logo was removed and it only had a red and blue stripe in the middle. Not, there are no other adornments besides the band at the top of the cup.

[Image from Roadside America]

[Image from World’s Largest Things]

The cup is made out of poured concrete and the cup stands about 68.1 feet tall.

There’s a road right next to the cup that you can park next to. It is surrounded by a fence so you can’t get really close to it or touch it, but there’s plenty of room for kooky photo taking.

As demonstrated by me.

The World’s Largest Paper Cup
800 Iowa Ave.
Riverside, CA 

Sweet Daily Cafe

Our next stop was just down the road off the same street – Iowa Ave. 

It was Sunday morning at they didn’t open until noon. Luckily the door was already unlocked a few minutes before noon so I could at least oogle at everything and decide what to get. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

In one case they had a number of different cookies (chocolate covered coconut, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, and chocolate chip), fruit danishes, and chocolate croissants. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

There were lots more desserts in the main case at Sweet Daily Cafe. I spied Chocolate Mousse Cups with Strawberries, Mini Rainbow Cake, Red Velvet, Carrot Cake, White Chocolate Strawberry Mousse, Cheesecake, Fruit Tarts, Chocolate Mousse Bomb, Tiramisu, Puff Pastry Cream and Opera Cakes. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

I loved the look of these Swan Cream Puffs! So pretty! 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

In another case I also spied brownies and French macarons. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

Along with the baked goods, they also offer filled churros, a churro hot dog (which I almost got but was a little too full to try it), potato balls, funnel cakes, and donut bites. Phew! There’s a lot to choose from here! 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

A little interior touch – love the tiny chairs for the plants and the chair for the water jug. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

I got two drinks for us to share at Sweet Daily Cafe. On the left is a Blue Lemonade Alkalinade [$3.75] and an Aronia Alkalinade.  These drinks are made with alkaline water with flavor added in. The Aronia drink tastes like berries. Jake and T both thought these drinks were too tart. Me? I liked them. Well, I like the Blue Lemonade one at least. That’s the one the boys both thought was too tart/kinda bitter. I liked it because it only had a hint of sweetness with all of the bubblies. It does have a bit of a strong flavor from the alkaline but I kinda dug it. The berry one was a bit too sweetish for me. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

Jake wanted Carrot Cake [$4] so we got a slice of carrot cake. The frosting on this was pretty rich and strong on the cream cheese flavor. It almost tasted like cheesecake. The cake was moist but overall not that memorable. The frosting was the strongest flavor on this instead of the cake. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

I couldn’t resist getting one of these Mini Rainbow Cakes. Not sure the price tag on this since I didn’t get an itemized receipt and it’s not listed on their menu. The colors and all of the sprinkles got me excited along with the miniature size.

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

There are layers of every color inside the cake. But the huge downside to this tiny cake is that mostly it tasted like buttercream frosting. There’s so much frosting around the whole thing and in between the cake layers and you can barely taste the cake. While incredibly cute, the mini cake just didn’t do it for me since well… it didn’t really taste like cake at all. You’re probably better off getting a slice of the bigger cake.

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

I saved the best for last! CHURROS. More important FILLED CHURROS. These are the current flavors. The owner of Sweet Daily Cafe (I assumed it was the owner from how she talked about it) said these are likely the permanent flavors for the churros and were the most popular ones that they tried out.

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

FILLER UPPER MACHINES. Cause I don’t know what you actually call these. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

We had to wait a bit since they were still making the churro dough. And then they fried them. I didn’t mind waiting since I knew it would be FRESHY FRESH.

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

A churro! I think this is a custard filled churro. In any case, the lady handed it to me and it wasn’t even my churro! I totally took photos of SOMEONE ELSE’S CHURRO. She let me know and I handed it back to her and then I had to wait again for my churro. Lucky for me I have patience. 

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

Okay, FINALLY. Here’s the churro I ordered which was the Dulce de Leche Churro. GLISTENING. Gorgeous. Freshly fried and rolled in cinnamon sugar om nom nom nom.

Sweet Daily Cafe | Riverside, CA

It doesn’t look at glorious when I lay it down on the table, eh?

The churro was magnificent. Getting it freshly made makes a huge difference and the dulce de leche caramel filling was divine. It tasted perfect with the cinnamon sugar coating! My only complaint is that the filling was only in half of the churro. The other half was hollow and empty. But it was still a churro so we ate it. YUM.

I’d come back here for the filled churros alone. The rest? Meh.

Sweet Daily Cafe
3740 Iowa Ave #106
Riverside, CA 92507

3 thoughts on “Sweet Daily Cafe / Riverside, CA

  1. Quirky roadside attractions rule! Great photo of you with the cup! The churro filling machines look pretty serious. That’s a lot of filling, ha ha. That mini rainbow cake was just a core of the rainbow layers but mostly frosting. 🙁

    1. Thanks, CC! I knew you’d appreciate this kitschy attraction haha. That mini rainbow cake made me sad. Very pretty but lacking in CAKE.

  2. carrot cake looked amazing. my all time favorite cake type of all…..if its done right. that looked like it could be a winner! may have to go try now myself.

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