Honey Badger Noodle Shop

After our doughnuts and a little bit of Funko Pop! hunting we were ready for real food! We were in LA at this point and headed over to a place called the Honey Badger Noodle Shop in Alhambra. Jake and I really got a kick out of that honey badger don’t care video back in the day and Jake has this honey badger t-shirt… I kinda figured he would like this place just because of the name.

Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

When you actually get there though it doesn’t say Honey Badger on the sign. Hah. 

Interior - Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

There’s a lot of artwork on the walls plus two long floating wood tables for seating. 

The menu at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

It does say “Honey Badger” on the menu though! 

Milk tea at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

We all got drinks and they were all Hokkaido Milk Tea [$2.75]. Probably because you got a free refill with the tea, which was insanely delicious. Normally I don’t even like milk tea without boba, but damn, they were doing some kind of voodoo milk tea magic back there because this glass was TASTY. Jake and I managed to snag refills and then after that they RAN OUT OF MILK TEA. T was a bit sad about that but the fine servers at Honey Badger Noodle Shop offered T the chance to try another drink (at no extra charge). Then we got all of our drinks in to-go cups. We were all happy campers in the end.

Dirty Fries with bacon, scallions, and garlic aioli at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

T requested, nay insisted, that we get an order of Dirty Fries [$5.51]. The fries are topped with bits of freshly cooked bacon, scallions, and a quite pungent tasting garlic aioli sauce. I thought it was some kind of Japanese mayo at first. The aioli was quite overwhelming to me and I ended up picking around it. T announced “you’re welcome” after he had his first few bites, indicating that he was more than pleased with his requested dish. 

Sesame Sauce Noodles at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

Originally I told Jake that they had sesame noodles and beef rolls… but I accidentally mixed this place up another restaurant. At least they still had the noodles but I did get a bad look for them not having beef rolls.Oops. One of the noodles I wanted to try at Honey Badger Noodle Shop were these New York Style Sesame Noodles [$6.42]. We notice that extra noodles were only 92 cents so we ordered it with MOR NOODLES. 

I made the boys take the egg out and eat it separately. I did not want that yolk touching my food! I understand I’m a weirdo about eggs and that’s okay. You can go and order this and eat the egg with your noodles. Just don’t tell me about it. 

Sesame Sauce Noodles at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

In any case, these noodles had a little bit of heat on them! Normally I shy away from that kind of crap but it didn’t bother me with the sesame noodles. I had to eat these and then eat something else for awhile but that was okay. The flavor of the sauce was great and I loved the chewy noodles.

General Tso's Chicken with Noodles at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

We also got a bowl of General Tso Chicken [$7.34] with extra chicken [$1.75] and extra noodles [$0.92]. In retrospect, we didn’t need the extra chicken or noodles. But we figured we had a teenager with us and he’d eat a lot of the meal. In fact, we had leftovers!

The General Tso Chicken had a citrus flavor to it, reminiscent of orange chicken but not nearly as sweet. The chicken bits were nice and crunchy and I liked eating them with the noodles. The noodles didn’t seem to have much sauce but I still enjoyed their chewy texture. 

Party Wings at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

We also got an order of Party Wings [$6.42]. I think we went a little overboard on the chicken, eh! The wings comes with a variety of sauces on top. There were two badger pesto, two honey soy, two honey mustard, and one naked wing. I tried the honey mustard first – it wasn’t bad as far as the sauce went and the wing had some nice crunchy bits to it. I then tried the honey soy which was … meh. Then I tried that red saucy looking wing at the top. I hate to it but I disliked the flavor and texture of the badger pesto that I actually spit it out. It was overwhelming in it’s flavor and it had an incredibly odd mouthfeel that I couldn’t stand. My favorite of the bunch was the naked wing since none of the sauces really wowed me. The wings were plump and juicy so I will give them credit for that at least. 

Fried pork belly bao at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

Our last item we tried was this Crispy Pork Belly Bao [$3.67]. Mostly I ordered this because hello! Pork belly! And I love bao but I’ve never had it quite like this before. This is “crispy” bao, aka fried bao. 

Pork Belly Bao at Honey Badger Noodle Shop - Los Angeles, CA | This Tasty Life

The pork belly is stuffed inside the bao and it’s topped with a tangy sorta sweet-ish sauce and scallions. The bao almost tasted like a fried donut… but with pork belly inside. I found the bao to be a tad greasy and I felt like the pork belly’s flavor got a bit lost within the fried bao. It was interesting to try something different at least. 

Honey Badger Noodle Shop
55 W Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801

4 thoughts on “Honey Badger Noodle Shop

  1. I see this place when I visit the area! I loved that youtube honey badger video too so I was always curious about this restaurant. Food looks fun and plentiful. I’m also a weirdo about egg yolks.

    1. Hi Faye! You should check it out. Get someone else to eat those weird egg yolks. You can borrow T if you need someone to eat them. haha

    1. Haha, yeah, Jake and T like those weird runny eggs. I always tell them to eat the egg before it touches the rest of the food. UGH runny yolk gives me the heebee jeebees haha

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